Bookstore DB Requirements
Entity Sets Customers open an account by providing their national number, name, address, phone, and book type preferences. For each employee, the following information is recorded: an employee identification number, national number, name, address, phone, a birth date, and the position within the bookstore.
Entity Sets For each book writer, the following information is recorded: national number, name, address, and phone. Any ideas?
Entity Sets The database records the following information about each book: a book identification number, name, publication year, the publisher's name, the book category, and the number of books in stock.
Entity Sets The database also keeps the following information about book supplying companies: an identification number, name, phone, address, and the name of the contact person.
Relationships A book may be bought by one or more customers, and one customer may buy one or more books.
Relationships A book may be written by one or more writers, and one writer may write one or more books. Additionally, an employee may monitor the sales of one or more books; however, a book is monitored by exactly one employee. Suppliers may provide one or more books; however, a book is supplied by exactly one supplier.
Mapping ERD into tables
Relational Model Person (NN, Name, Address, Phone) Customer (NN, Pref) Emp (NN, Bdate, Pos) Writer (NN) Buy (Cust_NN, Book_ID) Writes (Writer_NN, Book_ID) Book (ID, Name, Publisher, Stock, Year, Category, Sup_ID, Monit_E_NN) Supplier (ID, Name, Address, Phone, Contact)