Panel Session: City Boundaries ND League of Cities March Madness 2016 Conference March 8, 2016
Introductions Shout out to Rod and Steve in the audience if they are here These folks on the panel and in the audience are subject matter experts, they will intro themselves
Agenda Why are we here? Panel Presentations Discussion
Why Are We Here? Next-Generation 9-1-1 data discussions City boundary currency & completeness Get the word out, make connections Get feedback and learn Other needs/other benefits Census Tax collection NG911 WG – derived largely from the GISTC NG911 WG discussion – city boundaries ID’d as an important dataset Hub has this - but for NG911 need more current Make our needs known - The WG thought it would be a good idea to personally describe our needs and very importantly to hear from you on the challenges faced by you in providing this data – don’t want to make you already very busy day even busier Other agencies need this - Along the way the Tax Dept and the Commerce Dept have both expressed great interest in having more current city boundaries
Why Are We Here? Agency representatives will describe: Why city boundaries are important Benefits back to cities, counties, public Other details Develop questions & comments, e.g., What can you do to assist? What would be the benefits to you? Others! Presenters provide insight - The panelists representing their agencies will describe their needs and how they perceive meeting these needs will in turn benefit the organizations that you represent Develop questions - Please keep in mind while you are listening to the panelist that we at the state are asking you for something but it is our belief that having more current and accurate boundaries will be of direct benefit to your cities and counties. Both in general such as maps and services from the Hub and agencies more specifically from products delivered by agencies. Please think about this and have some questions/concerns ready for the discussion
Panel Presentations Department of Emergency Services Tax Department Department of Commerce
Discussion – Questions & Comments
Discussion – Data Current & efficient workflow Format Current state Future state Format Digital GIS is much preferred Other format examples? Currency/workflow – describe current workflow Ideas for improving future state - expedite Format – we prefer digital, preferably GIS format – who here has the resources to provide the data in a GIS format? Some other digital format? For that, what is the format?
Discussion – Moving Forward Lead contact(s) and roles: League of Cities Association of Counties Association of Assessing Officers Others? Next steps Assistance – format & delivery Contact Bob Other? Ideas include: most appropriate contacts for state? Is it the counties? Is there a list that we can go to ask for data, assistance, data sharing concerns? League of Cities, City Auditors? Next steps? Ideas: ID who might need assistance in some form with formatting or delivering data
Thank You! For more information, please contact: Bob Nutsch, GIS Coordinator 701-328-3212 Twitter: @BobNutsch