VALUES Collective commitments norms
Foundation MISSION VISION VALUES GOALS Clarifies Priorities and Sharpens Focus Gives Directions Guides Behavior Established Priorities FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE COMPELLING FUTURE COLLECTIVE COMMITMENTS TARGETS AND TIMELINES WHY? Why do we exist? WHAT? What must our school become to accomplish our purpose? HOW? How must we behave to achieve our vision? How will we mark our progress? MISSION VISION VALUES GOALS Foundation VALUES ADDRESS HOW WE WILL FULFILL OUR PURPOSE AND MAKE OUR DESIRED FUTURE A REALITY. Teachers are IDENTIFYING THE ACTIONS, BEHAVIORS, AND COMMITMENTS NECESSARY TO BRING MISSION AND VISION TO LIFE. Values, or Collective Commitments must be made and honored in order to achieve the shared vision for a school or district. The values pillar clarifies these collective commitments. It asks, “HOW MUST WE BEHAVE TO CREATE THE SCHOOL THAT WILL ACHIEVE OUR PURPOSE?’” Collective commitments help MOVE STAFF FROM “SOMEDAY WE WILL BECOME THE SCHOOL IN OUR VISION.” TO “HERE IS WHAT WE WILL DO TODAY TO MOVE OUR SCHOOL TOWARDS THE VISION.”
What makes a meeting productive?
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TEAM NORMS Help determine high-performing teams or loose collections of people Help determine whether the team functions as a high-performing team or becomes just a loose collection of people working together
TEAM NORMS Help determine high-performing teams or loose collections of people Far more likely to follow through on a commitment if shared If you make a commitment and share it with others, you are far more likely to follow through than if you simply make the commitment to yourself.
TIPS FOR DEVELOPING TEAM NORMS State commitments as ACTIONS or BEHAVIORS, not beliefs Be EXPLICIT and DIRECT Focus on what the GROUP must commit to do rather than what others must commit to do Limit the commitments to a REASONABLE NUMBER.
CONSIDER WHEN CREATING NORMS Time Listening Confidentiality Decision making Participation Expectations Accountability
Tips and Suggestions for Creating Team Norms