A Snapshot from Mrs. King for the week of February 22-26, 2016 aking@bedford.k12.va.us Reading – This week we will be reading and writing words with /ar/ /or/ /ir/ /er/ and /ur/; We will practice a lot on how to decode words with r-controlled vowels. When reading superkids stories we will work on drawing conclusions and understanding characters. We will also use prior knowledge and monitor comprehension. Memory Words: cold, know, does, laugh, both, again Pattern Words: ar, orn, ern, ird, urn Car, far, star, born, corn, fern, stern, bird, third, turn, burn Memory words are in baggies in the students behavior folders along with the words to play memory at home. Superkids Unit 5 spelling test will be on Wednesday, March 2. Books are being sent home every Monday to read at home. We are also working on these same books during reading group time. Please return the books with their baggie every Monday for a new book. Students are also completing one hour of reading groups on their reading level. This work is being sent home as a graded packet. I have also included site words in baggies with the bags to be studying at home. These sight word levels were determined after January PALs testing. Sight words are words that students should see in 1-2 seconds and know it (no sounding out). I will test sight words again at the end of the 3rd 9 weeks Math – This week in math students will work on measuring lengths with nonstandard units. We will use cubes, paper clips and smart board pictures to measure different objects. Our measurement interactive achievement test will be on Friday, February 26th. On Wednesday we will begin studying telling time to the hour and half hour. Homework #11 is due on Friday, February 26th. Please work with your child on these problems nightly for extra review. Social Studies and Science w/ Mrs. King: This week we will doing experiments with what will sink or float in water. On Wednesday we will take our interactive achievement test on Matter. Thursday and Friday we will review our social studies skills on long ago or today. Important Dates & Information Please check Yellow Behavior Folders each night & initial. Please check out my webpage on Montvale’s website under staff for cool games and information Tuesday, February 23rd: Family Reading Night 6-7 Friday, March 11th : End of Quarter 3 Monday, March 14th: Now a School day! Friday, March 18th : Report Cards go home; Class Pictures! Friday, March 25th: Sports SCA Spirit Day! Friday, April 8th: Tie-Dye SCA Spirit Day! On February 22nd our community school read will begin! This year we are reading Charlotte’s Web! I will be reading a chapter a day to my students after lunch so students have a chance at answering the questions on the morning announcements. If you are able to read this book at home with your child that would be greatly appreciated If any parent/guardian is able to send in more pencils, glue or scissors I would really appreciate it.! Many students are running low on their supplies and using up their extras Yearbooks are now on sale! Capture this year's memories with a yearbook that will last a lifetime! Use the envelope to order your yearbook and return it to the school. You can also order online this year. See the directions on the flyer for more information. Personalized yearbooks are on sale only through March 7, 2016, so order them now! Mrs. King’s Resource Schedule: Monday – Music Tuesday Art Wednesday – P.E. Thursday – Computer Lab Friday – Library