Eurostat regional yearbook 2007 Åsa Önnerfors Eurostat 04-Oct-2007
The publication process over the year: January: Deciding on chapters and authors, checking data availability. February: Maps and graphs production. March/April: The text for each chapter is written by authors within Eurostat. May: Translation of the texts by DG Translation. Deciding on pictures and lay-out. June: Proof-reading of the texts by the Publications Office. July and August: Desk-top publishing by the contractor Fotolito in Italy. September and August: Printing and official publication. Presentation at the Book Fair in Frankfurt. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Regional and Urban Statistics Eurostat regional yearbook 2007: News release on the 5th of October 2007. 12 chapters, written by subject experts inside Eurostat. Published in three languages (DE, EN, FR). Covers data from EU-27 and the EFTA-countries. You can find the data extractions underlying the maps on the Eurostat website. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Regional and Urban Statistics New in the 2007 edition: New design and lay-out compared to previous years Preface signed by the General Director of Eurostat, Mr. Hervé Carré Data for the first time in this publication also from the EFTA-countries The chapter on Gross domestic product has been written by Lewis Dijkstra from DG Regio Two chapters reappearing again: Tourism and Education No chapter on Health this year, but it will come back next year, with more health indicators on regional level 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Regional and Urban Statistics Table of contents: Population Gross domestic product Household accounts Labour market Labour productivity Urban statistics Science, technology and innovation Structural business statistics Transport Tourism Education Agriculture 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Some highlights from the publication: The chapter on Gross domestic product (GDP) gives an interesting background on the Cohesion policy and Structural funds for 2007-13. The chapter on Labour market clearly shows which regions that live up to the different employment targets set up by the European council in Lisbon and Stockholm. In the reappearing Tourism chapter we can see which European regions that are attracting the most tourists and how this has changed over time. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Gross domestic product: ‘Convergence’ regions are the NUTS 2 regions whose GDP per inhabitant, measured in purchasing power parities for the period 2000–02, is less than 75 % of the average GDP of the EU-25 for the same period. These areas are marked in red on Map 2.2. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Regional and Urban Statistics Labour market: The difference between male and female participation in the labour market is narrowing and has been doing so consistently for the last five years. The gap was 16.6 percentage points in 2001, but was down to 14.7 percentage points by 2005. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Regional and Urban Statistics Tourism: Map 10.2 gives an overview for all regions of the number of overnight stays in hotels and on campsites. It shows clearly that the areas most frequently visited by tourists are the coastal regions and islands belonging to the EU. 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007
Thank you for listening. Any questions or comments? Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on 04-Oct-2007 Regional and Urban Statistics WP meeting October 2007