Regions: Statistical yearbook The 2006 edition Åsa Önnerfors Eurostat
The publication process over the year May: Translations of all texts by DG Translation (DGT). Decisions on pictures and lay-out for the publication. June: Proof-reading of all texts by the Publications Office (OPOCE). July and August: Desk-top publishing by our contractor Fotolito in Italy. September and October: Printing and official publication. Presentation on the Book Fair in Frankfurt. January: The preparations for producing the Regional yearbook starts with selecting the themes and authors for each chapter. February: The maps and graphs are decided and the statistical data is being extracted. March and April: The text for each chapter is written by authors within Eurostat, specialised in different statistical fields.
Regional Yearbook 2006 Covers data from EU-25, Bulgaria and Romania News release on the 5th of October 2006 Published in three languages (DE, EN, FR) Covers data from EU-25, Bulgaria and Romania CD-ROM included
Table of contents Population Science, Technology and Innovation Regional gross domestic product Household accounts Regional labour market Labour productivity Urban statistics Science, Technology and Innovation Structural business statistics Health Transport Agriculture
Some highlights The population chapter focuses on fertility rates and other demographic trends throughout the European regions Labour productivity is a new chapter this year where GDP is put in relation to the number of people employed in a region The transport chapter shows many interesting maps, for instance on number of road traffic deaths (per million inhabitants) and on private car ownership
Population “It is a reasonable projection that, on average for the EU-25 and if current trends prevail, the old age dependency ratio will approxi-mately double during the next 50 years.”
Labour productivity “This map shows how strongly labour productivity has risen in the regions of the new Member States, coming very close to the level attained by the old Member States.”
Transport “This maps shows private car ownership by NUTS 2 region and it’s evolution between 1998 and 2003. This mobility indicator is in many cases related to the economic development of a region.”
Interesting? Please read the new edition of the Regional yearbook and give us your feed-back! We are always interested in getting new ideas on how to improve the quality of our publication
Thank you for listening! Any questions or remarks? Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on