Board-GAC Recommendations Implementation (BGRI) Meeting – ICANN63 21 October 2018
Meeting Agenda Opening Remarks Speaker(s): Manal Ismail, Chair of the GAC; Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board Director Purpose of the Board-GAC consultation dialogue Speaker(s): Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board Director Schedule for Addressing Advice in GAC Barcelona Communique Speaker(s): David Olive, SVP of Policy Development Support; Christine Willett, VP of gTLD Operations Review of Open GAC Advice Items and GAC Advice Principles 5. AOB Future briefings for the GAC on issues of interest
Discussion of Board-GAC Dialogue What is the purpose and what are the ultimate goals of this Board-GAC dialogue? Based on the intended goals of the dialogue, should this group be renamed? E.g., the Board-GAC Relations Group?
Timeline for Board Consideration of ICANN63 | Barcelona Communique Week "Expected by" Date Action Owner 26 October 2018 Publish Communique ICANN org & GAC 5 30 November 2018 Board & GAC Meeting ICANN Board & GAC 8 21 December 2018 Board Working Group Review ICANN Board 13 Board Workshop: 25-27 Jan 2019 Board adoption of new scorecard 19 ICANN64: 9 – 14 Mar 2019 GAC consideration of ICANN63 scorecard GAC
Open GAC Advice Items and Historical GAC Advice Review Purpose Since ICANN60 Abu Dhabi the Board has shared the status of previous GAC advice and requested that the GAC to inform the Board if GAC members do not agree on the documented status. The Board will now move forward with implementing the statuses as documented High Level Results: 181 items of GAC advice have been issued since ICANN46 (Beijing) 175 items have been considered by the Board 16 items are pending ongoing community action 6 items are currently deferred from Board consideration 4 items from the Puerto Rico Communique related to GDPR pending further input from the GAC 2 items from the Panama Communique related to 2- Character Country Codes pending further discussion between the Board and GAC The Board most recently considered the Panama Communique 6 items related to GDPR, WHOIS and IGO Protections were accepted
GAC Advice Overview – Phases and Advice Items Definition of Phase Phase 1 | Receive & Publish GAC is producing Advice and ICANN Board/organization has not yet received or published Phase 2 | Understand ICANN Board/org is reviewing the advice to identify any questions needing clarification before formal Board consideration (new since Copenhagen Communiqué) Phase 3 | Evaluate & Consider The ICANN Board is in the process of formally considering the advice via a scorecard and/or resolution. Items may also appear in this phase because further Board consideration may be required. Phase 4 | Implement The Board has considered the advice and directed the CEO and ICANN org to proceed with action or implementation. This action or implementation is currently underway. Phase 5 | Close Request The ICANN org has reviewed the advice and has determined the advice has been considered, and all directed action or implementation has been completed. The ICANN organization has developed a five-phased approach for addressing GAC advice items and tracking them as they progress through the process of review, consideration and implementation
GAC Advice Overview – Deferred Items in Phase 2 There are 6 items that have been deferred by the Board, pending further discussion with the GAC. These items are currently in Phase 2: 4 items related to GDPR and WHOIS from the San Juan Communique, pending further discussion with the GAC. 2 items from the Panama Communique related to 2-Character Country Codes, pending further discussion with the GAC. Communique Advice Text ICANN61 1.a.IV. Distinguish between legal and natural persons, allowing for public access to WHOIS data of legal entities, which are not in the remit of the GDPR 1.a.V. Ensure continued access to the WHOIS, including non-public data, for users with a legitimate purpose, until the time when the interim WHOIS model is fully operational, on a mandatory basis for all contracted parties 1.a.VI. Ensure that limitations in terms of query volume envisaged under an accreditation program balance realistic investigatory crossreferencing needs 1.a.VII. Ensure confidentiality of WHOIS queries by law enforcement agencies ICANN62 3.a.I. Work, as soon as possible, with those GAC members who have expressed serious concerns with respect to the release of their 2-character country/territory codes at the second level in order to establish an effective mechanism to resolve their concerns in a satisfactory manner, bearing in mind that previous GAC advice on the matter stands. 3.a.II. Immediately take necessary steps to prevent further negative consequences for the concerned GAC members arising from the November 2016 Board Resolution.
GAC Advice Overview – Items Pending Ongoing Community Action The 16 items in “Phase 3 | Evaluate & Consider” are pending ongoing community action. They can be divided into three categories, described below. Depending on the outcome of the ongoing community work, the Board may wish to consider these items further. Advice Category Ongoing Community Action IGOs Relating to GNSO PDP Working Group on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanism Red Cross/Red Crescent Relating to “Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs Policy Development Process” RAM The Board may wish to go back to the GAC for clarification on the public policy rationale of this Advice.
GAC Advice Overview – Phase 4 Items The below items are in “Phase 4 | Implement”. ICANN org is currently taking action to implement the GAC advice. Communiqué Category of Advice Advice Text ICANN58 2-Character Country/Territory Codes at the Second Level 4.a.I. Take into account the serious concerns expressed by some GAC Members as contained in previous GAC Advice 4.a.II. Engage with concerned governments by the next ICANN meeting to resolve those concerns. 4.a.III. Immediately explore measures to find a satisfactory solution of the matter to meet the concerns of these countries before being further aggravated. 4.a.IV. Provide clarification of the decision-making process and of the rationale for the November 2016 resolution, particularly in regard to consideration of the GAC advice, timing and level of support for this resolution. ICANN60 Applications for .amazon and related strings 4.a.I. Continue facilitating negotiations between the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organizations (ACTO) member states and the Amazon corporation with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable solution to allow for the use of .amazon as a top level domain name. ICANN61 GDPR and WHOIS 1.b.III. Assist in informing other national governments not represented in the GAC of the opportunity for individual governments, if they wish to do so, to provide information to ICANN on governmental users to ensure continued access to WHOIS. ICANN62 1.a.I. Take all steps necessary to ensure the development and implementation of a unified access model that addresses accreditation, authentication, access and accountability, and applies to all contracted parties, as quickly as possible; Follow-up. The GAC recognizes that the Board deferred four items of GAC advice. The GAC urges the Board to take steps to address these issues. IGO Protections 2.a.I. Maintain current temporary protections of IGO acronyms until a permanent means of protecting these identifiers is put into place; 2.a.III. Continue working with the GAC in order to ensure accuracy and completeness of IGO contacts on the current list of IGO identifiers.
GAC Advice Principles In the past the GAC has referred to GAC Advice Principles in its advice to the ICANN Board. The ICANN org has now posted the GAC Advice Principles to the GAC page, e.g.: Principles regarding gTLD WHOIS Services Principles regarding New gTLDs
AOB Is the GAC interested in future webinar/briefings on issues of interest? For example, the ICANN org could provide a briefing on ICANN policy that mandates registry and registrar compliance with such policies (a so-called picket fence)