2006 -2009: a FP6 project SOCOPSE: Source control of priority substances in Europe Participating organisations: IVL Swedish Environmental Research.


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Presentation transcript:

2006 -2009: a FP6 project SOCOPSE: Source control of priority substances in Europe Participating organisations: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd (IVL); Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO); Institut National de l´Environment Industriel et des Risques (INERIS); Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC); Norsk institutt for luftforskning (NILU); Instityt Ekologii Terenow Uprzemyslowionych (IETU/Envitech); Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE); Vyskumny Ustav Vodneho Hospodarstva (WRI); Watercycle Research Institute (KWR, former Kiwa Water Research); University of Southampton, School of Civil Engineering & the Environment (SOTON); Environmental Institute (EI)

The objective of this project has been to support the implementation process for the Water Framework Directive by providing guidelines and decision support tools for the management of priority pollutants (PPs). The following activities has been part of the project: * Material flow analysis for selected priority pollutants. * Evaluation of available and emerging measures and management options for PPs. * A decision support tool for identification and selection of relevant measures on European, national and regional level has been developed. * Evaluation of potential measures by applying the decision support tools in case studies. * Development of action plans, i.e. river basin management plans. * Dissemination of main results.

Inventory of abatement measures SOCOPSE: Data from substance reports Inventory of abatement measures Census of all possible abatement and substitution measures by substance; It was constituted on the basis of: A bibliographic review : about 450 references ; A survey questionnaire : about 200 contacts ; Exchanges with stakeholders during 3 workshops: Paris, Katowice, Nieuwegein (22 persons came in total).

Technical feasibility Substance reports: Hg, Cd, PBDE, TBT, Atrazine, Isoproturon, PAH, Anthracene, DEHP, HCB, NP For each substance, SOCOPSE gathered and synthesized information (Substance = DEHP) Measure Technical feasibility Env. Performances Costs State of the art Oxidative technique: ozone Pol: Point source Cmp: Average Imp: No Lim: High (depends on water quality) SCORE = 0 Eff: Average Oth: Yes En: ? CE: ? W: Yes SCORE = - IC: Average OC: Average (depends on water organic load) St: Emergent App: Some SCORE = + Activated carbon adsorption Cmp: Low Lim: Low SCORE = ++ CE: No IC: Average (depends on the existing treatment system) OC: Average St: BAT App: Several Type of pollution (Pol) Complexity of implementation (Cmp) Impact on the process of the factory (Imp) Limits and restrictions (Lim) Efficiency of emission reduction (Eff) Removal of other pollutants than SOCOPSE ones (Oth) Consumption of energy (En) Cross-effects (CE), Production of waste (W) Investment costs (IC) Operational costs (OC) Status of the technique (St) Number of applications (App) Excerpt from Substance Report on DEHP

www.socopse.se If you have any questions about the SOCOPSE project please contact the project manager: John Munthe IVL Swedish Environmental Institute Ltd. john.munthe@ivl.se Phone: + 46(0)31 725 62 00 Fax: + 46(0)31 725 62 90