EC-69 Side Event Salle C1, 11 May 2017, 13:30-14:30 h World Meteorological Organization OSCAR/Surface OSCAR/Surface, the new online WMO station catalog and WIGOS metadata-base The Observing System Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) a key resource for WIGOS and the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) and gap analysis. The surface-based observing systems capabilities component, OSCAR/Surface, was developed with major contribution from the government of Switzerland and was deployed in operations in May 2016. This side events highlights its main capabilities and some of the early experience obtained with this new system. Programme Introduction by Chair Prof Bertrand Calpini, Switzerland, President of CIMO A brief overview of OSCAR/Surface Mr Timo Pröscholdt, WMO Secretariat OSCAR in support of national implementation of WIGOS Dr Agnes Kijazi, PR of Tanzania RA-VI activities regarding OSCAR/Surface Mr Ercan Buyukbas, Turkey, Chair, RA-VI Task Team on WIGOS WIGOS and OSCAR/Surface in Region IV Mr Glendell de Souza, BCT, Chair, RA-IV TT-WIGOS/WIS Discussion and closing remarks Prof Bertrand Calpini