Face and Body classical cosmetic massage Sintija Strautina- Strele, Linda Zeltina CIDESCO International Riga School of Cosmetics, Riga, 2011 – 2013
Project implementation November 2011 - initial presentation of the methodological material «Face and body classical cosmetic massage». November 2011 - February 2012 - analysis, additions, improvement, translation of the methodological material into English. February 2012 - August 2012 - processing the methodological material, adding visual aids. August 2012 - meeting with Estonian colleagues. September 2012 - additions from Estonian colleagues, amendments, supplements to the methodological material; preparation of the presentation material.
A Gmail shared account has been created A Gmail shared account has been created. The following documents currently in progress are stored in this account: Cosmetic body and facial classical massage; Practical aspects of the anti-age therapy in cosmetology Innovative technologies in cosmetology; Anti-cellulite massage; Relaxing and regenerating procedure for men with the products of the company BABOR. In order to be granted access to the documents, the teachers involved in the project need to create and submit their Gmail account email addresses.
Every school uses their own colour to amend the Gmail shared account documents: Estonia uses red colour, Finland uses green colour, Latvia uses blue colour.
«Face and body classical cosmetic massage» contents : History of massage Effect of massage Indications for a cosmetic classical body massage Contraindications for a cosmetic classical body massage
Body analysis and assessment sheet Constitutional types of the body Postural deviations Requirements to beautician for performance of massage Cient’s preparation for a massage Right posture
5 basic massage techniques: stroking (effleurage), friction, kneading (petrissage), percussion (tapotement), vibration. Massage finishing stage Recommendations before and after massage
Cosmetic facial massage location of the facial muscles; location of lymph node groups, direction of lymph flow; Langer’s lines; fixation places, their anatomic location.
Indications of the cosmetic classical massage; Preparation of face and décolleté area for massage; Preconditions to be observed prior and during the massage; Contraindications; Massage techniques/methods used in the cosmetic facial classical massage; Hand training.
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