Bellwork: September 5th Review: After Constantine, the Roman empire __________ into a Western empire and an __________ empire. In the year 476AD, something very significant happened to the Western empire. What happened? The Eastern Roman empire became the ________ empire. The capital city in the Eastern Roman empire was ____________, located on the Black Sea. Preview 5. If the tree to the right is representing a city, what city would it be? 6. Why would you say that picture is representing that city? 7. What are the “roots” of this great tree? Trade Trade Trade This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Comp Book page 13 A = Rome, Italy B = Mediterranean Sea C = Greece D = Byzantium (Constantinople) E = Black Sea
Assignment Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!
Assignment Must be at least 4 stanzas. Create a poem. Must be at least 4 stanzas. Must completely discuss the consequences. Must be neat. Must be neatly written or typed on a full sheet of paper. Provide at least three small illustrations to accompany the poem (must be colored and neat!!) Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!
Assignment option 2 Create a song. Must have a chorus Must have at least 3 verses Must completely discuss the consequences. Prefer it to be to a familiar tune. (if you create a tune, you’ll need to sing it to the class or to Mr. Deal) Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!
Assignment option 3 Create an illustration Must clearly represent the consequences. Must be neat and colored. Needs to show effort and creativity. Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!
Why did Constantine move the capital? Read page 64 and 65 New city and more space Rome was run down and crowded More opportunities for trade and wealth – Fishing harbors, lots of trade by land and sea!! Became very wealthy! Protection Easy to defend Constantinople became the capital of Eastern Roman Empire Eastern Roman Empire Byzantine Empire
Empire Divides After Constantine West East
Western Empire falls in 476 A.D. The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) War Feudalism Disease Ignorance
Western Empire falls in 476 A.D. The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) But in the East… War Feudalism Disease Ignorance
Eastern Empire becomes And lasts for 1,000 years Trade routes Center of Learning Trade Philosophy Medicine Architecture Law Code
Comp Book page 16 Title: Consequences (results) of Rome’s Fall Consequences for Western Europe: Trading stopped No unifying force to protect from invaders Feudalism for protection (castles, knights, etc..) Dark Ages (education drastically declines) Use of Latin dies out Christianity stays major religion Consequences for Eastern Empire (Byzantine Empire) Great location of capital!! Trade with Africa, Middle East, Arabia, and China brings in $$$ Well defended Very multicultural (blended Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern cultures) Christianity major religion