College Algebra with Trigonometry Dr. McKenna
Class Requirements/Grading Notebooks: It is recommended that you keep a separate three-ring binder for class notes, classwork, and handouts. Class Preparation: You must come prepared and on time to class everyday with your three ring binder and a pencil. Class Absence: If you are absent, you are responsible to make up all missed work. Please check with a classmate for missed class notes. As a general guideline, if you are out for 2 days, you will be given 2 days to make up missed work or prepare for a missed test. Grading: Tests: 50% (6 tests per marking period) Classwork/homework: 20% Quizzes: 30% Cell Phones: Cell phones will be collected at the start of each block. This is how I will take attendance. If your cell phone is not in your numbered spot after the bell while I take attendance, you will be marked absent. Final Grade: 1st Marking Period: 40% 2nd Marking Period: 40% Final Exam: 20%
College Algebra with Trigonometry Consider this course a revamped Math for College Readiness…. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive exploration of algebraic and trigonometric principles, as well as prepare students for success in college level mathematics. College Algebra and Trigonometry is a data-driven blended course consisting of classroom based instruction and the ALEKS web-based program. The content of the course is an integration of Algebra and Geometry Review, Equations and Inequalities, Graphs and Functions, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric Functions, and Trigonometric Identities and Equations. Real world applications will be solved using graphing calculator technology. College readiness math skills will be measured through Accuplacer and/or ALEKS throughout the course. The curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Prerequisites: Algebra 2
Why are we using Aleks? The purpose of using Aleks is to prepare each student to be as successful as possible on the Accuplacer college entrance exam for math so that students have a greater chance of bypassing remedial math courses in college. For ex: at MCC there are 2 remedial math courses (THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR AND DO NOT RECEIVE COLLEGE CREDIT FOR!!) required before you are placed in a math course for credit toward your degree. It is our hope that after working hard in this course you bypass these remedial courses (SAVE VALUABLE TIME AND $)
College Algebra with Trigonometry Aleks Video (≈ 4 mins) view#
What is the Accuplacer? Accuplacer: series of computerized tests that determine your knowledge in math, reading and writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses. The results of the assessment, together with your academic background, goals and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to place you into a college course that meets your skill level. All community colleges and most state colleges require that students take the Accuplacer. Even if your school does not require the Accuplacer, there will be another placement test or placement requirement (unless you receive a 500 or 530 or better on the SAT (this varies depending on the sch0ol)) that this course will help with! MCC FAQs about Placement: center/faqs/