Yes No Contacted to Receive Residents Notify: Administrator / Leadership on call Department Heads & Medical Director State and local authorities as required Establish Incident Command Number of arriving residents exceeds open beds? Yes Assign arriving residents to any open beds Review Census / Determine Bed Availability Review staffing needs & call in additional staff as needed Identify Surge Area options. Utilize the Surge Location Worksheet No Procure supplies as needed Assign arriving residents to open beds Review internal supplies & obtain additional supplies as needed Monitor egress & life safety Set-up Surge Areas Designate toilet & wash facilities Set-up work stations and storage locations for medications & medical records Maintain communication with key stakeholders: CT DPH Local Office of Emergency Management Local Fire & EMS agencies Facility Ombudsman Establish a Triage Location. Track arriving residents, meds, charts & equipment. Develop new charts as necessary. Confirm receipt of residents with the sending facility Utilize staff from the evacuating facility with proper ID