IEC Patent Policy Jack Sheldon IEC Standardization Strategy Manager GSC IPR 2015-04-20 ETSI
IEC Procedures ISO/IEC Directives Part 1: Procedures for the technical work Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting IEC Supplement 27/12/2018
Patent rights Part 1, 2.14 and Annex I Part 2, 6.6.4 and Annex F 27/12/2018
Joint IEC, ISO, ITU Patent Policy First version 2007 Revised 2012 No comments or requests for changes received from IEC community 27/12/2018
Decision taken by IEC/SMB The SMB noted the changes proposed by the ITU Director’s Adhoc Group on IPR and agreed with the following: a) The SMB endorsed the principle of transfer of rights. b) The SMB recommended that the current Patent Policy agreed between IEC, ISO and ITU remain unchanged. c) The SMB asked that the IEC General Secretary be requested to work with his counterparts at ISO and ITU to develop common language for the Guidelines to the IPR Policy. If no common language is possible, then language suitable to the IEC regarding transfer rights should be added to the IEC portion of the IPR guidelines. Such language should be as clear as possible to be widely understood by IEC TC/SC experts. d) The SMB recommended that the Patent Declaration Form be modified in a suitable manner to reflect that the need for declaration of RAND licensing be recognized by the declarer and any future successor of the cited IP, using the text proposed by the ITU. e) SMB invited ISO/TMB to concur and requested the IEC General Secretary to communicate this decision to ITU. 27/12/2018