How to be a super owl Procedures 2016-2017.


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Presentation transcript:

How to be a super owl Procedures 2016-2017

Coming into the classroom from Breakfast Use walking feet Go straight to seat with a quiet mouth Take folder out of book bag Begin morning activity Voice level 0

Calendar Listen with level 0 voice Raise hand and wait to have a turn

Morning Rotations When going from one place to another level 0 When working small groups voice level 1 Break time voice level 2 Complete all work Turn in work in basket

Sensory Table Voice level 0 Use materials with respect, keep everything on table Clean up and put items away when your turn is finished

Mobile office station Work from your assigned drawer (1, 2, or 3) Put away materials Push station to next person

Chrome books Voice level 0 Get headphones Stay on the program teacher places you on When your turn is up, exit program, and put away headphones.

When you need help Raise hand and wait Level 0 until teacher comes to help When talking with teacher use voice level 2

Bathroom Use the bathroom during breaks Raise hand and wait to use the bathroom Remember bathroom rules Walking feet in hall way Hands and feet to self Level 0 in hallways and bathroom

Class Room Discussions Raise hand and wait until called on to talk Listen when others are talking Use kind words to others Encourage others Voice level 3

Going places outside class room Line up Level 0 Voice Hands and feet to self Stay in line with walking feet

Going home Clean up Sit with book bag Line up level 0 Walking feet, hands to self Stay in line