1 2 Sit in a circle so that everyone can see everyone else Community Build Community Play games, develop rituals etc Consequences Everyone needs a piece of paper and a pen. Each person writes a sentence, then passes to their left The sentences are: One day, at [place] [girl’s name] met [boy’s name] He said to her “…” She said to him “…” and the consequence was… Then share your stories
Story, image, music, object etc 3 Stimulus Share a stimulus Story, image, music, object etc
4 Concept Identify the concepts What are the main ideas raised by the stimulus? 5 Q making Ask Philosophical Qs Individual thinking time, pair/group, share
6 Q choosing Vote for a question that will generate the most philosophical enquiry! 7 1stthoughts The person who came up with the question starts the enquiry 8 Building Put your thumbs in if you have a contribution Question each other 9 Final points Make sure everyone has a chance to make one last point 10 Reflection How did the session go? What went well? What would improve things?