Community based water supply and management system case of SECODE project Bridging the water divides; a participatory urban development process Ann Nabangala Obae; Kenya Organization for Environmental Organization (KOEE)
Background Nyalenda slums Approximately 50,000 inhabitants, 150 semi –permanent households units per hectare, compared with 25 households units per hectare in the middle-income areas and 15 household units per hectare in the high-income areas.
Water divides bridged by SECODE project in Nyalenda slums Economic divides Quantity divides Quality divides
Water divides bridged by SECODE project in Nyalenda slums Quantity; Distance to access water reduced from 1.5 Kilometers to about 500 meters. The girl child has time to study more and women can to get involved in more productive work. Quality; Thirty (30) new plants servicing 30 house holds constructed with over 240 household members benefiting directly. The house holds are recording reduced medical bills on water related illnesses and well informed about sanitation. Economic; reduction in prices from US$ to US$ 0.02 (rated at Kshs 79 = 1US$). An average of 77.5% water tariffs reduction Families able to save for education and food which are major slum livelihood challenges.
Stakeholder involvement Nyalenda Sustainable Development Network National Environment and Management Authority SECODE regional partnerships in Uganda AAgthuoni women group water kiosk SECODE regional partnerships in Uganda SECODE - government of Kenya partnerships
Impact of the community based water supply model Eco- san toilet Water connection chamber Water kiosk
Sustainability and commitment a)Increased budget allocation towards good practices and policy influencing on pro-poor water management and regulation in Kisumu slums b)Strengthening capacity of local institutions and networks in good projects monitoring and networking ; Nyalenda sustainable Development Network (NYASDEN) c) SECODE aims at Kisumu wide slum residents network as a lobby instrument on issues affecting slums development from time to time in the entire Kisumu d) SECODE phase two is keen to build capacity of water services stakeholders and slums communities in participatory development approaches. e) Community ownership of approach leading to proactive service delivery level
Originality and innovative ideas in bridging the Nyalenda water divides Slum residents are able to influence effective service delivery with limited external support. Service segmentation Capacity building based on Training Needs Assessments done through Local Environmental Committees (LECs), public forums and stockholder's consultative workshops.
Way forward Intended use of the funds is to support more community based organizations towards community based water supply approach in Kisumu slums and capacity building for more Kisumu stakeholders and communities on SECODEs approach to environment and livelihood enhancement, based on Local Agenda 21