Monday, April 13th, 2015 HW: Finish reading, if you don’t in class. Objective: We will reflect on the Unit 6 Assessment. Catalyst : A. increased only. B. decreased only. C. increased, then decreased. D. decreased, then increased. Announcements: Tutoring tomorrow after school A ***Table of Contents
Announcements Tutoring: tomorrow! Parent-Teacher Conferences Wednesday! 5 Bonus Points if your parent/guardian comes!!
Agenda Catalyst Test Reflection Intro to Acid-Bases Reading Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket What are: 3 – things you know about acids. 2 – questions you have about acids and their real-life examples. 1 – interesting thing you did on spring break.
Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 HW= Reading!! Objective: Students will explore preconceptions about acids and bases. Standard: IOD 304 Catalyst: A. increased only. B. decreased only. C. decreased, then increased. D. remained the same. Classroom expectations: Wear Kenwood ID. Cell phones, music players, and headphones are put away. Food is disposed of or put away. Dressed appropriately. Notebook is out and you are ready for today’s class. B Table of Contents:
Announcements Tutoring today after school Parent teacher conferences tomorrow!
Agenda Catalyst Announcements Focused Questioning Class Discussion
Discussion ONLY people with the gorilla may speak. ONLY ask questions! No answers! You may not try to answer any questions that anyone has asked!
Focused Questioning Increasing ocean acidity is bleaching and destroying coral reefs at a rapid rate. Notes for next year. This was my first time trying out a new learning idea that I was trained on at a PD meeting. This came from a study at Harvard. Students are only allowed to ask questions for 7-10 minutes. I have a squishy MSU ball that I toss around the room. The rules are that 1.) no student can talk unless they have th MSU ball in their hands. 2.) Students can only ask questions about the picture. They may not try to answer any questions or respond to any questions. 3.) As soon as a student asks a question out loud they may carefully toss the ball to another student who is sitting quietly with their hand raised. (It’s really important this lasts at least 7 minutes. You will notice that there will be lull in student questioning/thinking. Wait this out. Students will normally ask deeper and better questions after they take a moment to think deeply about the picture.) While students ask questions I write them on a large piece of butcher paper. When we are done with our questioning period we will vote on the top 5 questions we would like to answer as a class during our unit on acid/base chemistry. (Examples of some questions my students generated this year: Where is the acid coming from? What are acids and why are they harmful to marine life? How do acids work? Was this caused by global warming and human pollution?) Before After
Exit Ticket What are: 3 – things you wonder about acids and how they affect living things. 2 – places or times you have heard about acids in the past. 1 – question you hope you can answer after we learn about acids and bases.
Thursday, April 16th, 2015 7 4/16 Investigating Acids & Bases 31 Objective: Students will investigate the pH of various substances by testing with different indicators. Standard: IOD 402 Catalyst: A. Organic-fed cows produced 5 kg more milk per cow than grass-fed cows. B. Organic-fed cows produced 5 kg less milk per cow than grass-fed cows. C. Organic-fed cows produced 10 kg more milk per cow than grass-fed cows. D. Organic-fed cows produced 10 kg less milk per cow than grass-fed cows. Announcements: -Tutoring until 4:30pm after school today -Unit 6 retakes MUST be done by Tuesday of next week!! -Turn in reading if you haven’t already! a Table of Contents: 7 4/16 Investigating Acids & Bases 31
Agenda Catalyst Announcements Acid-Base Investigation Exit Ticket
Investigation READ the instructions at your lab table. FOLLOW the directions carefully! RECORD observations in the table on your lab. Observations include color changes, bubbles, mixing patterns, etc. WRITE responses to the questions on the back of your worksheet based on the evidence you collected in the lab.
Exit Ticket What is one way we can test to see if something is an acid or a base? Based on what you did today, what is your best definition of an acid? What is the best definition of a base? What are two other substances you would like to have tested? What do you think would happen if you tested them?
Friday, April 17th, 2015 7 4/17 Classwork: Acids & Base Reading 32 Classroom expectations: Wear Kenwood ID. Cell phones, music players, and headphones are put away. Food is disposed of or put away. Dressed appropriately. Notebook is out and you are ready for today’s class. Objective: Students will read, annotate, and analyze text about acids and bases. Standard: IOD 402 Catalyst: A. The herd from Site A in May. B. The herd from Site A in August. C. The herd from Site B in January. D. The herd from Site B in October. c Table of Contents: 7 4/17 Classwork: Acids & Base Reading 32
Agenda Catalyst Notebook quiz Announcements Finish yesterday’s lab questions Acid-Base Reading Exit Ticket
Things to Know
Discussion Questions What makes something “acidic”? What makes something “basic”? How do the indicator solutions work? When mixed with the different indicators, what color did acids turn? What color did bases turn? How can we use indicator solutions? What do you think the pH of a substance tells us about its chemical formula?
Exit Ticket What is one way we can test to see if something is an acid or a base? Based on yesterday and today, what is your best definition of an acid? What is your best definition of a base? What are two other substances you would like to test? How do you think they would have reacted with cabbage juice, phenolpthalein, pH paper, and the powdered calcium carbonate?