SAT Vocabulary Set 18
Benign (adj.) Gentle, kindly OR Not harmful in effect During his first dinner date, Shawn made benign conversation about the weather. OR Not harmful in effect Sarah was diagnosed with a benign tumor and luckily did not need to have surgery.
Contusion (n.) a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise. Stephanie tripped down the stairs and suffered a bad contusion on her ankle.
Endorse (V.) To declare one’s public support Cam Newton was endorsed by Gatorade and received a year supply of drinks for free!
Guile (N.) Clever or crafty behavior David couldn’t believe the guile with which Thomas was cheating!
Jocular (ADJ.) Humorous or playful
Judicious (ADJ.) Having good judgment, or common sense Jake didn’t know if the plant was poison ivy or not so he made the judicious decision to stay away from it just in case.
Tome (n.) A long and complex text Many high school students like the tome Speak, because it deals with topics they can relate to.
Nonchalant (Adj.) relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried about anything. He was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award.
Philanthropy (N.) The act of donating time and money to help others I wish more people would realize helping others through philanthropy is much better than wasting money on foolish things.
Susceptible (adj.) Easily influenced or harmed by a particular thing People who like to be in the woods are more susceptible to ticks and mosquito bites.