Generation of Cloud Products from NOAA’s Operational Satellite Imagers While advanced imagers such as VIIRS and ABI will provide significantly improved cloud remote sensing capabilities, the data from AVHRR and the GOES imagers provide our best current real-time cloud observing system from imager data. The Clouds from AVHRR Extended System (CLAVR-x) derives cloud properties from the AVHRR that are physically similar to those from MODIS, VIIRS and ABI and provide valuable experience to NOAA’s customers that should increase the usage of cloud products during NPOESS and GOES-R. Similar algorithms to those used in CLAVR-x are run on GOES imager data and provide a consistent suite of cloud products to NOAA’s customers at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions. Example CLAVR-x Product at 1 km Example CLAVR-x Product at 55 km