BROADCASTING Goals & Objectives: Class Highlights: In this course students are responsible for producing the daily school news. The entire course encompasses journalism, basics of film lighting and sound, editing on iMovie, and camera techniques. Class Highlights: Morning Announcement Production Public Service Announcement Project School Commercial Projects Short Film Festival
BEGINNING THEATRE Goals & Objectives: Class Highlights: This course serves as the introduction to theatre. This course is performance-based and focuses on the basics of theatre. Students who take this course will become comfortable with theatre vocabulary, demonstrate appropriate theatre etiquette, and have the opportunity to perform for their peers. This class focuses around the question of…”What is theatre?”. Class Highlights: Pantomime Stage Movement Voice and Diction Ancient Greek Theatre Improvisation Audition Techniques Basic Technical Theatre Beginning Musical Theatre Skills
INTERMEDIATE THEATRE Goals & Objectives: Class Highlights: In this course you will expand and deepen your skills as artists. This course will be performance-based and will build upon concepts from prior beginning theatre courses. Class Highlights: Monologue Performance Scene Study Commedia Japanese Theatre Audition Techniques Scenic Design Musical Theatre Skills
PROFICIENT THEATRE Goals & Objectives: Class Highlights: In this course you will expand and deepen your skills as artists. This course will be performance-based and will build upon concepts from prior intermediate theatre courses. Students begin to step into technical theatre roles and begin writing their own scripts. Class Highlights: Play Analysis Monologue Writing Playwriting Shakespeare Technical Theatre Application Audition Techniques Musical Theatre Skills
ADVANCED THEATRE Goals & Objectives: Class Highlights: In this course you will expand and deepen your skills as artists. This course will be performance-based and will build upon concepts from prior intermediate theatre courses. Students will create and perform their own theatre pieces. Class Highlights: Dialects Audience Prompted Improvisation Play Analysis Puppetry Devised Theatre Audition Techniques Technical Theatre Roles Musical Theatre Skills