Agenda *Voice Lesson #1: Dali *Vocab Unit 6 (#s1-10)


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda *Voice Lesson #1: Dali *Vocab Unit 6 (#s1-10) *Discuss “Ethnic Hash” vs. “What is Cult. Identity” *Intro to EA#1 – Cult. Id writing *Read “Two Kinds” (Chunks 1-4/Film Clip/Finish) HW: Finish “Two Kinds” -

Welcome and Reminders (8/6/18) HW: Finish reading “Two Kinds” – you are expected to finish whatever we don’t read in class and Pre-Course Reading COMPLETED BY Thursday, 8/23): You will need your pre-course reading book (In class) as well as your completed work. You will use this work to complete a larger assignment for the unit. You should have the book finished – that is a given. If you are new to Hillgrove, it is your responsibility to view the PRE-COURSE reading assignment posted on the school website and speak to me with any questions you might have. You can finish it by 8/23 as well as the assignment.

Voice Lesson #1 You will examine a self-portrait by Salvador Dali, a famous painter. Think about how Dali expresses his voice—his style or personality. Look carefully at the details of Dali’s self-portrait.

Write About It What is Dali saying about himself? Complete two sentences as if you were Dali in this portrait. I am… I feel… Base your statements on the picture, not your own feelings. How do you know what Dali is saying about himself? What evidence can you find in the picture that supports your statements?

Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait

Vocab Unit 6 #1-10

“Ethnic Hash” vs. “What is Cultural Identity” Formal vs. Informal Big Ideas

has an adequately maintained central idea to focus the topic The essay has an adequately maintained central idea to focus the topic uses a sufficient range of examples/ evidence to develop the explanation of cultural identity.

Embedded Assessment #1 (page 57) Brainstorm aspects of culture (culture web – race, ethnicity, personality, gender, sports, music, hobbies, etc.) Turn those into “I am…” statements (Ex: I am…a basketball player, a Christian, a black man, a wrestling fan, a musician, etc.) Select ONE subculture to delve deeper. Explore values, beliefs, ideas (repeated phrase from What is Cultural Identity? Essay) then move to doing that for each I am statement Now select another subculture and explore the values, beliefs, and ideas Continue to do this for each subculture Look for patterns (what subcultures have similar values, beliefs, or ideas?) Students Free Write about these values, beliefs, and ideas (turn in for feedback) Select a format (poem or narrative) and write. Rubric EA#1 – due

“Two Kinds” Whole Group Reading – Chunks 1-4 Video Clip Group Reading – finish story Discussion Questions Silent Discussion? Chart paper with a different discussion question – students each have a marker and rotate through the discussion. Answering and responding to other people’s responses.

Final Thoughts (If time) Index Card Response (to turn in) I came to class expecting… I learned… One question I have is…