Mind’s On – Think/Share With your partner/group make a list of 10 behaviours that society frowns upon
Definition Deviance is behaviour outside the societal norm Anthropologists would note this varies across cultures Some behaviours considered deviant reflect being part of a subculture – an alternative system of values that go against mainstream culture Traditional forms of deviance include crime, addiction, suicide, etc. Deviants often have trouble adapting to society – “Anomie” according to Emile Durkheim
Standards for Deviance Location: A consideration of the normal behaviour in a given situation Age: Is this a factor is what is deemed acceptable/unacceptable? Social Status: Can hierarchy reflect inequality in society? Individual Societies: We must acknowledge cultural differences when considering what is deviant
Examples of Deviants The Conformist The Ritualist The Innovator The Retreatist The Rebel
Textbooks! Read pg. 74-77 Draw Figure 2-16 Answer the following: What is the role of institutions? How is deviance a natural part of society? What are some examples of subcultures that mainstream society would consider deviant? In what ways can deviance be positive? Define each type of deviance in your notes
Steve Jobs – Deviant or Innovator? After watching his 2005 Commencement address read the “In Focus” on pg. 78 and do the questions