Workshop on Information for Citizen Engagement in Service Provision Open Data Rally Mexico Workshop on Information for Citizen Engagement in Service Provision OGP Summit July 17th 2018
Agenda What is CIEP about? Rally Conclusions Mission Use of open data Kinds of open data used; participation. Projets visited What we found Conclusions Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
What is CIEP 3 Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria (Economic and Budget Research Centre) It is a civil society organization/ Think tank. Provides of relevant and technicaly solid information and analysis in order to make improved and more democratic discussions and decission making in economics and public finances. Analysis on Education, health, pensions, energy, subnational, intergenerational accounts… Our objective is to provide fiscal sustainability in benefit of present and future generations. Citizen particpation Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
What is CIEP Transparency and open data are key for our work. Products 4 Transparency and open data are key for our work. Products Analysis of Public Budget every year. Data from Budget Transparency (SHCP) Education spending report in 2016 Pensions spending report in 2017 Health spending report in 2018 Data from Budget Transparency; household surveys; official records from government institutions; international organizations… Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
Open data rally in Mexico 5 Support citizen participation through accurate information. Rally is a good opportunity to know, see and communicate to others. Open data used Public spending on construction federal government and states Contracting data Team CIEP (three people) 15 projects found in first two data bases and complemented with contracts information #PensionesEnMéxico | Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
Projects visited Number of projects Sector Institutions 6 Number of projects Sector Institutions Kinds of proyect 7 Health ISSSTE; SSA Infraestruture strength; construction; rentals; remodeling 3 Education SEP Construccion; renewal of infraestructure 5 Social development SEDESOL; CDMX Renewal of olimpic pool; construction of running tracks 2 Communication and Transport GACM; CDMX Construction of New Mexico City International Airport; street remodeling Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
Projects visited 7 Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
Projects visited
What we found Localization of some projects were not accurate. 9 Localization of some projects were not accurate. Information was sometimes confusing about dates of contracts and fisical progress. People in government institutions did not know about the rally. It was difficult to get information from them. There is not enough knowledge of how different projects are financed (public-private association) Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.
Conclusions 10 It is still difficult for citizens to understand open data, how to use it and what for. After the rally we do not know if there are any actions for data improvement or any effect in Budget distribution. “Your money, your government” #PensionesEnMéxico | Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C. tw: @ciepmx fb: /ciepmx mail: Contact: #PensionesEnMéxico | Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria, A.C.