using Psat scores to Increase college & career readiness A cisd counseling presentation
What was the PSAT again? ALL 8th & 9th grade students took PSAT 8/9 ALL 10th & 11th grade students took PSAT/ NMSQT PSAT= Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Prep for the SAT test (college admissions)
PSAT Scores STUDENT PRESENTATION Handouts Video ELA classes @ CHS Career explorations WMS & SMS Handouts Pink- understanding PSAT 8/9 scores Blue- understanding psat/nmsqt scores Video CHS WEBSITE - WMS WEBSITE - SMS WEBSITE -
When will we know about national merit? Current 11th graders ONLY Top 50,000 scorers of 11th grade testers this year across the US Notified Early September 2018 of National Merit status if chosen
What Are My Next Steps? AP potential Khan Academy Bigfuture Myroad CHS psat team 5
AP potential Based on PSAT scores Identified by college board as successful in freshman level college course Letters included with student scores and books (receiving in ela classes) Potential success in passing an ap test for the subject areas identified Consideration for choosing 2018-2019 classes See counselor for more info!
Saul Khan explains Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy
Why khan academy? Studying for only 6 hours on khan is associated with a 90 point increase on sat Studying for 20 is associated with a 115 average increase 8 full-length practice tests Diagnostic quizzes & tutorial videos Completely free!!
BigFuture™ Search: Colleges Scholarships Careers 9
MyRoad™ the logon procedure is the same way they login at school and the same information. username is first initial last name password is last 6 of social Once students are logged in, they are taken to their My Plan page. In My Plan, students can develop their own portfolios and resumes. They can assemble information they' will need for college applications, brainstorm ideas for application essays, and record their interests and accomplishments for both college and career planning. 10
Questions? Comments? Talk to us now! Contact us later! Cleburne High School: 817-202-1240 Wheat Middle School: 817-202-1300 Smith Middle School: 817-202-1500