Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Nelson Mandela Logout Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa. Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: South Africa Sex: Male Birthday: July 18,1918 Hometown: South Africa Relationship Status: Married to Graca Machel Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Methodist View photos of Nelson Mandela (5) Send Nelson Mandela a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Being president , Commanding my military , and keeping my country under control Interests: Watching football , and spending time with my wife and kids Favorite Song Artist : Stevie Wonder Favorite Movie : Lion King Favorite TV Show : The Sullivan show , and The Bill Cosby Show Favorite Books: A is for Africa Information Networks: South Africa Birthday: July 18,1918 Political: Democrat Religion: Methodist Hometown: Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 107 Central St. Johannesburg 2198 Phone Number: (828)-342-3978 Nelson and kids Updated last Tuesday Nelson in the white house Updated two months ago
Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Nelson Mandela Logout Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa. Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Nelson 6 Photos Nelson Albums 2 Photo Alums 5 photos The Family Nelson in the White House 5 photos 1 photo Profile Pictures