Water & Agriculture Seamus Barron Nitrates, Biodiversity & Engineering Division
Presentation overview Water Framework Directive & Nitrates Regs ACP Research Support /initiatives for protecting water quality Nitrates Action Plan (NAP) review
Water Framework Directive The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires all MS to protect and improve water quality in all waters – River Basin Management Plan It applies to rivers, lakes, groundwater, and transitional coastal waters Requirements - prevent deterioration in status, achieving at least good status in all waters 2nd cycle 2018-2021 (Draft RBMP produced)
River Basin Management Draft River Basin Management Plan published 28 Feb ’17 - www.housing.gov.ie/water 6 month consultation process - responses to RBMP@housing.gov.ie Expected outcomes include- Greater protection of public drinking water sources. Improved wastewater treatment Water quality improvement measures in 600-700 water bodies Greater public and stakeholder engagement in water issues Increased knowledge transfer in the agriculture sector Second Cycle 2018 - 2021
Nitrates Regulations – Main WFD Agr. Measure Limits on the amount of livestock manure applied – 170kg N/Ha Controls on application of fertilisers Minimum manure storage requirements Farmyard management requirements Maximum nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisation rates Maintain buffer zones adjacent to watercourses, water abstraction points Green cover & ploughing requirements Records 5
Are the Nitrates Regulations making a positive contribution ?
Trend towards reduced nutrient levels
Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) Research Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) Established under Nitrates Regulations (Art. 27) to evaluate effectiveness of Nitrates Regulations 6 agricultural catchments >300 participating farmers – full advisory service Phase 1 (2008 –2011); Phase 2 (2012-2015); Phase 3 (2016-2019) Website link http://www.teagasc.ie/agcatchments/ (phase 2 report)
ACP – Research Highlights Nutrient use efficiency increasing Farm gate nutrient balances declining Decreasing % of excessively high P soils Water quality trends showing signs of recovery (lag times) Closed spreading period is effective in reducing nutrient losses Point sources can have disproportionate effect in summer Significant climate effect on losses Pathway is important Contact with an agricultural advisor OR advisor plus farmer discussion group has a positive effect on NMP adoption
EPA Nitrates Regulation is most important measure to address diffuse agricultural pollution Confident that Nitrates Regulations are making positive contribution But ....
Comparison of surface water quality in Ireland with with other countries (based on EEA website data)
2nd Draft River Basin Management Plan – Targeted Additional Measures RDP 2014-2020 GLAS TAMS Knowledge Transfer Locally led schemes
Targeted additional measures GLAS GLAS has funding of approx €1.3bn over the course of the RDP. - 50,000 farmers 45% of all actions benefit water quality, incl. NMP
GLAS actions that improve water quality Grass Margins – when placed along a watercourse it acts as a buffer zone to intercept nutrient runoff. Riparian Margins – stabilise river banks and act as a buffer zone to intercept livestock nutrient runoff. Protection of watercourse from bovines – fencing watercourses off from bovines prevents direct contamination. Low Emission Slurry Spreading
Targeted additional measures TAMS – improving nutrient management and nutrient use efficiency LESS and Animal Welfare, Safety & Nutrient Storage Scheme Locally-led Agri-Environmental Schemes Freshwater Pearl Mussel Knowledge Transfer KT programme - adoption of best practice - 20,000 farmers National Dairy Sustainability Forum – Co op led farm pilot programme to implement ACP best practice
Nutrient Management Planning Critical for Protection of water Improved productivity Effective use of valuable and costly nutrients Reduced fertiliser costs
Irish soil fertility trends 10% of soils good overall fertility 62% very low to low P status Lime usage has fallen significantly
New NMP On-line Open to all users - Aim is greater implementation by farmers User friendly recommendations - Colour coded maps 18
Nitrates Action Plan Review Public consultation 2 March to 28 April 2017 Invitations for submissions, observations and comments on the third review of Ireland’s Nitrates Action Programme. To get involved, please email your observations or comments to waterquality@housing.gov.ie by Friday 28th April 2017. Postal responses should be sent to: Nitrates Consultation Water Quality Section Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government Newtown Road, Wexford Y35 AP90
Changes made - previous NAP review Increased P limits for grassland with S.R. of 85kg+ N/ha, reduced for less than 85kg N/ ha First 300 kg conc/85 kg N discounted when calculating P allowance Reduced availability of P to 50% in organic fertilisers for index 1 & 2 soils P allowance for maize on index 4 soils P allowance for cereals on index 4 where pH above 7 Soil sample valid for 5 years on non der. farms 2m uncultivated zone near surface waters for tillage crops Set back distances from water courses of 20m - feeding pts & fym Increased N rate on winter barley and spring wheat
Transitional P Arrangements Ended in December 2016 – maximum fertilisation rates must now be adhered with. Pig slurry imported onto a holding in the closed period in 2017 will be treated as inventory for application in 2018, rather than being considered as applied in the year of importation DAFM initiative to encourage use of pig slurry - compiling list of pig farmers wishing to export slurry - list made available to advisers - texts to farmers in locality of these pig farmers
Derogations - Deadline for applications 31 March 2017, must be on-line Fertiliser plan in place by 1 March (on-line NMP) & must be submitted, unless submitted in 2014 - 2016 - Fertiliser plan – based on soil analysis post 15 Sept 2013 - Farm map required – location of fields + soil results (unless submitted on-line 2014 – 2016) Farmyard sketch required showing manure storage & housing (unless submitted 2014 – 2016) - Fertiliser accounts to be submitted on-line by 31 March)
Summary Nitrates regs and other support measures -effective in the protection of water ‘Hotspots’ issue - high P in certain waterbodies in summer and winter Nutrient Management Planning is critical KT programmes, farmer engagement, targeted measures – important for further water quality improvements