Priority area 4 „Water Quality“ Activities and plans European Strategy for the Danube Region Priority area 4 „Water Quality“ Activities and plans Andrea Vranovská 15th PA7 SG Meeting 13 June 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia
PA4 „Water Quality“ focus Coordination of PA4 Roadmap actions implementation - Waste water treatment - Agriculture pollution - Sub-basin cooperation - Emerging substances (pharmaceutics, microplastics) - MRS cooperation - Non EU countries cooperation Project facilitation and partners search Alignment of funding Dissemination -
PA4 Events Transnational Cooperation for Sustainable River Basin Management - joint meeting of JOINTISZA and Danube Sediments projects; 11 April 2017, Budapest, Hungary OECD Study on Water - related to diffuse water pollution comprised the Danube related case study elaborated under water quality governance (HU) EUSDR Environmental Pillar Stakeholder Seminar - organised by PA4-5-6; joint cooperation and ongoing joint activities; cooperation among sectors – integration of measures between sectors are needed; future challenges - 17 October 2017 6th EUSDR Annual Forum, Budapest, Hungary, 18-19 October 2017, workshops: - Funding opportunities for Pillar II of the EUSDR - „Water management” thematic pole – capitalisation of projects JoinTisza, DanubeSediments, Camaro-D, DriDanube International Workshop on Wastewater Management in the Danube River Basin, 28-29 November 2017, Bucharest, Romania EU TAIEX Funding Opportunities for the Water Sector, workshop organized by DG Environment, DG NEAR, DG Regio, 7 December 2017, Brussels, Belgium
PA4 Events Conference BULAQUA „Investment Needs for the Water Sector – Innovative Solutions and Financial Strategies”, 27-29 March 2018- Sofia, Bulgaria Climate change adaptation workshop, 27-28 March 2018, Belgrade, Serbia Workshop on water management in the different macro-regional strategies, 19-20 April 2018, Budapest, Hungary 9th Annual Forum of Baltic Strategy – participation in panel discussion at workshop on MRS cooperation
PA4 Projects Under implementation + submitted: 1st DTP call – JoinTisza, DanubeSedimnet, DriDanube, Camaro-D - capitalisation other financial mechanisms projects 3rd INTERREG Central Europe call - DEEPWATER, WETLANDMONITOR, Trimonitor, EARTH, Plastic Cup 2nd DTP call – SIMONA, Danube Floodplain, Measures (Revistur), DAREFFORT (decision 22/03/2018) Danube Strategic Project Fund - Danube Hazard DTP SMF - Industrial and municipal sewage sludge treatment innovation network; Examination and assessment for the ecological condition of the Tisza River’s subsided longitudinal section - JOINTISZA Survey (decision summer 2018) Support to JOINTISZA + DanubeSediment implementation PA4 LoR for projects - Trimonitor, EARTH, Plastic Cup, LIFE IP MEDER
PA4 Projects Preparation: „Particulate organic matter in streams – linkage between catchment and local hydromorphology“ Open calls: 4th call INTERREG EUROPE – 7 May – 22 June 2018 1st call EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation - deadline 01/07/2018 PA4 planned project proposal „Water – think about using it forever!“ on e-learning to improve public awareness on rational water utilisation and water sources protection respecting the impacts of climate change; potential partners – SK, HU, CZ, ICPDR, (GWP, RS, Iceland, Sweden ?)
PA 4 plans Events: International Plastic waste round table in the frame of the Danube Day events - 28 June 2018, Budapest, Hungary (JOINTISZA event – joint organisation with PA5) PET CUPA, 4-12 August 2018 (JOINTISZA event – joint organisation with PA5) Article 4.7 WFD workshop – 12 September 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) - 27-28 September 2018, Budapest WS on Guidance on sustainable agriculture - autumn 2018 – support to ICPDR 7th Annual Forum, 18-19 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria Dissemination: PA4 Brochure – updated version (6th EUSDR Annual Forum 2017) Special issue of Hungarian Journal of Hydrology (10/2017) – 6th EUSDR Annual Forum Funding possibilities (draft available) - dissemination at 7th EUSDR Annual Forum 2018 Summary report on macro-regional strategies in relation to the topic on „water” (until December 2018)
PA 4 plans Other plans: Cooperation in the frame of the Capitalisation process – „Water management Thematic Pole” - DanubeParkConnect, MEASURES JOINTISZA, DanubeSediment, Measure project – PA4 involvement Joint organisation of Pillar B events in 2019 Cooperation with other macro-regions (Task Force) Focus on project funding, post 2020, embedding of EUSDR into EU funding schemes Emerging issues (microplastics, pharmaceutics, Article 4.7 WFD) Strengthening capacity building, involved in project preparation, implementation, networking Stronger involvement of SG members ICPDR expert group meetings and OM, STWG
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