Measures and Targets For PVCC Strategic Plan 2008-2013 PVCC New Life Sciences Building Fall 2009
We Need to Know How Well PVCC Is Performing PVCC identified Strategic Focal Points (using the MCCD Strategic Directions as framework) for the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan The Strategic Planning Team brainstormed possible progress measures for these areas The proposed measures need to be reviewed, and targets set for the desired performance levels to achieve
How Will This Work? College Measure Weighted Measures of Strategic Directions Weighted Measures of Strategic Focal Points Weighted Measures of Related Components
For Each Component Need to benchmark PVCC’s current performance Need to set targets for desired performance Need to recommend weight of component within its Strategic Focal Point Performance Measure
What Do We Do with the Measure Results? Identify PVCC’s strengths Determine opportunities for improvement Discuss how to improve given limitations
Looking at PVCC’s Priorities How would setting performance targets change the PVCC culture? Will measures and targets help to courageously move PVCC “from good to great”?
Key Points from CLC Conversations on Measures and Targets PVCC began as a teaching and learning institution, so measures would not change culture; it might help us direct resources to the place where it is needed or doing the most good. Look at PVCC’s priorities. Measures must be meaningful. Defined. What gets measured gets done. Evidence based decisions.
Key Points from CLC Conversations on Measures and Targets - contd Just setting measures is not enough – look at past data and where we need to move resources. It is only a starting point. We need to move on the issues. It is a holistic process – we must close the loop and do something about it. Culture of learning – evidence based – also includes soft side. That’s what “good to great” means. Come together to move forward. Moving knowledge into behavior. Does success – retention or is there something else – measure and report accurately.
Key Points from CLC Conversations on Measures and Targets - contd Risk of friendliness. People are terrified with numbers. Paul said to know the target so you know the goal. If you don’t reach the goal, then discussion – why or why not and solutions. Move as a unit rather than as individual parts – gives us strength and could be unifying.
Key Points from CLC Conversations on Measures and Targets - contd Do people feel their individual performance is tied to targets and measures? Can they see the applicability of the target/measure to their reaction. Remember the students as individuals.