Manager and Cashier’s Training National Food Service Management Institute
Pre-Assessment Place an identifier at the top of the page. You will use the same identifier when you complete the Post-Assessment. You do not need to place your name on the Assessment.
Create a Lunch Meal Activity Introduce yourself. Navigate around the room until you have created a reimbursable Offer Versus Serve Meal.
Lunch Meal Components Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA) Fruits (F) Vegetables (V) Grains (G) Fluid Milk (Milk
Offer Versus Serve (OVS)-Lunch Senior high schools required Other grade/age levels optional Must offer all 5 lunch components May decline 2 out the 5 components
OVS-Lunch Must offer enough for each student to take the full required amount of each component May prepare less of the least popular choice and more of the more popular choice Must be set at a single price
OVS-Lunch-Fruit Must take a minimum of ½ cup of either fruit, vegetable, or fruit and vegetable combined Allowed to take smaller portions of the fruit and vegetable components only
OVS Fruit and Vegetable − Creditable Serving Less than the offered portion of M/MA or G does not count as one of the components The minimum creditable serving size for a fruit or a vegetable is ⅛ cup
OVS Creditable Serving Example 1 Fish taco includes ¼ cup fresh tomatoes student selects the fish taco and milk not a reimbursable meal since the minimum ½ cup portion of fruit or vegetables has not been met
OVS Creditable Serving Example 2 Fish Taco includes ¼ cup of tomatoes, ¼ cup black beans, and ¼ cup lettuce student selects the fish taco and milk A reimbursable meal since the minimum ½ cup portion of fruit or vegetables has been met
Reimbursable Lunch Meal Are there at least three food components? Yes or No If yes, is one a fruit or a vegetable? Yes or No If yes, is it at least half a cup? Yes or No If you can answer “Yes” to each question, then the meal is reimbursable!
OVS Reimbursable Lunch Meal Activity In groups, discuss if the student selections on each flip chart page are reimbursable meals Refer to the Group Activity Worksheet: OVS Reimbursable Lunch Meal
OVS Reimbursable K-8 Lunch Activity Group Activity Worksheet: OVS Reimbursable Lunch Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round Activity You will have 3 seconds to review each slide and determine which of the slides represent a reimbursable meal. At the end of the speed round we will discuss the answers. Be prepared to justify your answers.
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 1 Grilled Chicken Wrap 2 oz eq Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 2 oz Grains ⅛ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ⅛ cup Legumes Vegetable
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 2 Tossed Salad ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 3 Vegetarian Chile Meat/Meat Alternate 2 oz ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable WW Crackers 1 oz eq Grain Milk 1 cup Milk
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 4 Hamburger on a WW Bun 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1.5 oz eq Grains Carrots ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 5 Hummus 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate WW Pita 1 oz eq Grain Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 6 Fish Taco 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 1 oz eq Grain Cole Slaw ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 7 Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Marinara 1 oz eq Grain ¼ cup Red /Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 8 WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Whole Grain-Rich Roll 1 oz eq Grain
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 9 WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Grapes ½ cup Fruit
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 10 Chicken Stir Fry 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate ¼ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Brown Rice 1 oz eq Grain
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 11 Milk 1 cup Milk Chicken Caesar Salad 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 12 WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Grapes ½ cup Fruit Milk 1 cup Milk
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 1 Answer Grilled Chicken Wrap 2 oz eq Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 2 oz Grains ⅛ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ⅛ cup Legumes Vegetable Not Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 2 Answer Tossed Salad ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Only two meal components selected Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit Not Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 3 Answer Vegetarian Chile Meat/Meat Alternate 2 oz ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable WW Crackers 1 oz eq Grain Milk 1 cup Milk Not Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 4 Answer Hamburger on a WW Bun 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1.5 oz eq Grains Carrots ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 5 Answer Hummus 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate WW Pita 1 oz eq Grain Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 6 Answer Fish Taco 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 1 oz eq Grain Cole Slaw ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Not Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 7 Answer Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Marinara 1 oz eq Grain ¼ cup Red /Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 8 Answer WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Whole Grain-Rich Roll 1 oz eq Grain Not Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 9 Answer WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Grapes ½ cup Fruit Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 10 Answer Chicken Stir Fry 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate ¼ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Brown Rice 1 oz. eq Grain Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 11 Answer Milk 1 cup Milk Chicken Caesar Salad 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 12 Answer WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Grapes ½ cup Fruit Milk 1 cup Milk Reimbursable Meal
Please refer to USDA memos for the most up-to-date information. Thank You Post-Assessment Evaluations Please refer to USDA memos for the most up-to-date information. 39
National Food Service Management Institute 800-321-3054 Please refer to USDA memos for the most up-to-date information.