CPCRN Mission To accelerate the adoption of evidence-based cancer prevention and control in communities.
This time…(#3) Build on the work and history Produce Logic model Vision/mission Experience Produce Synthesize/write/share Demonstrate the contribution to dissemination Demonstrate the contribution to practice This year
Evidence Matrix Types of Programs 1 2 4 NA 3 6 5 7 8 9 RTIPs Eligible Program (peer reviewed funded research & publication) Evaluated Program (peer reviewed publication) Evidence-Informed Program (based on literature) Program based on personal experience/ tacit knowledge (no reference to literature) Systematic Review (Community/ Clinical Guides) 1 2 4 NA Other Systematic Evidence Reviews (e.g., Cochrane) 3 6 Individual Efficacy/ Effectiveness Study 5 7 Individual Program Evaluation 8 9 Type of Evidence Review
Where are you?
Conceptual basis? RE-AIM? Wandersman? How do you think systematically about what is in the “pink boxes”?