What is Nonverbal Communication? Sending and receiving messages without using words
Two Modes of Nonverbal Communication: INTENTIONAL Using nonverbal communication techniques to support the verbal message communication on purpose ACCIDENTAL Gestures, facial expressions, etc. sender is unaware of, but does communicate sometimes contradicts the verbal message
How do we communicate feelings? 93% of feelings are communicated nonverbally!
Types of Nonverbal Communication: Appearance Gestures Posture (Body Movements) Eye Contact Vocal Cues (Paralinguistics) Spatial Relations (Kinesics) Facial Expressions
Appearance The way a person appears (clothes, hair, articles worn or carried) could indicate occupation, culture, status, group membership
Gestures are . . . hand movements that communicate a message often culturally-specific used to express emotions, describe something, or indicate where things are
Handshakes Employers can tell a lot about prospective employees: What does a firm handshake say? What does a limp handshake say? What kind do YOU want?
Body Movin’ Tips: Some movement for emphasis or to give you a relaxed look is good, but don’t move back and forth or develop nervous mannerisms. Stand with one foot in front of the other and weight balanced to avoid that feeling of shaking and trembling. If your hands shake, hold them in front of you, rest them on the podium, or let them hang at your sides. Avoid wringing hands, tugging at clothing, or twisting hair.
Posture/Body Movement Gives clues to how we feel May contradict the verbal message
Eye Contact & Facial Expressions
Eye Contact Eye contact with someone = recognizing or acknowledging that person’s existence Ex: Waitress in restaurant Ex: Teacher in class Ex: Muhammed Ali staring down opponents
How do we use our eyes? Flirting Winking Threatening Scaring Conspiring
Eye Contact Cultural differences In some Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, Native American culture = impolite to look at someone of authority when they are talking to you How does your mom react if you don’t look at her when she talks to you?
Secrets of Eye Contact Try focusing on one person at a time. Know the difference between eye contact and the piercing stare of a psychopath…
Our eyebrows contribute Facial Expressions Our eyebrows contribute Our lips contribute
Vocal Cues (Paralinguistics)
Vocal Characteristics Pitch highness or lowness of voice; nerves or tension higher Volume – loud or soft Often related to self-image Shy or insecure soft Aggressive loud Rate – how fast or slowly we talk; nerves or tension faster Quality/Tone– the sound of voice; unpleasant? Ex’s: nasal, raspy, whiny
Spatial Relations
What are spatial relations? The amount of distance between people during interaction Called PROXIMITY
Spatial Relations Americans tend to have (and prefer) a 2 foot “bubble” of space When bubbles are invaded (elevators, trains), we often avoid eye contact to create space.
Spatial Relations: SPACE BUBBLES 1. Intimate Space = <1.5 ft. Hugging, kissing, whispering 2. Personal Space = 1.5 4 ft. Quiet conversation, some touching
Spatial Relations 3. Social Space = 4 12 ft. Group discussions, handshakes 4. Public Space = 12 ft.+ Calling or waving, giving a speech No touching takes place
What are NV Strategies? Sending a message without words to have a particular effect on receiver . . . Exclude Include Put Down Build Up Reveal Self Conceal Self
What is the relationship between Verbal and NV Communication? 4 Functions of NV Messages: 1. Repeat or support Verbal Message 2. Contradict Verbal Message Receivers believe NV over V because senders cannot control NV as easily!
What is the relationship between Verbal and NV Communication? 3. Replace Verbal Message Only effective if receiver knows sender’s intent 4. Regulate Verbal Messages Changes the flow of the communication Speaker might pause, talk faster, stop and clarify
In sum…send accurate nonverbal messages Know your audience; encode the message. Pay attention to yours and others’ nonverbal messages Give receivers as much information as possible.