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Presentation transcript:

Official Activity Title Do NOT resize the table or change the font size If the consortium is to large, just indicate the prime contractor and replace “Contractor(s):” by “Prime:”. ISO Country codes: Austria – AT Belgium – BE Canada – CA Czech Republic – CZ Denmark – DK Estonia – EE Finland – FI France – FR Germany – DE Greece – GR Hungary – HU Ireland - IE Italy – IT Luxembourg – LU Netherlands – NL Norway – NO Poland – PL Portugal – PT Romania – RO Slowenia - SI Spain – ES Sweden – SE Switzerland – CH United Kingdom - GB YoC: Year of Closure Budget incl. CCNs Replace “Programme & Reference” with a unique contract identifier, e.g., TRP T111-222DD, ITI A000xxxx, GSTP G61x-xxxDD Target TRL and required finalization date of the technology, not of the project. Please add company logo(s) here and remove this shape Please add high-resolution pictures (above 1000x1000 pixels) WITH captions here and remove this shape Make sure there is no copyright on pictures Official Activity Title Contractor(s): Company name (ISO Country Code), e.g., OHB (DE), RAL (GB) ESA Budget: Co-funded Budget: X,XXX k€ Programme & Reference YoC: 2017 TO: Jon Snow (TEC-XXX) TRL Initial: X Achieved: X Target TRL: X Date: Q1 2057 Background and justification: Why was it necessary to do this activity? Please avoid the use of area-specific acronyms. Text. Objective(s): Technical objectives of this activity (commercial/market objectives if applicable). Text. Caption 1 Achievements and status: Major achievements and status. Text. Benefits: Please describe the added value of this technology for the targeted application (ESA mission, commercial application, etc.). Text. Next steps: Future plans for this activity. Please mention type of application (ESA mission, commercial application, etc.) and need date (e.g., Flight qualifica-tion by 2057). Is a follow on technology activity targeted/approved/funded (by which Programme)? Shall be coherent with Target TRL information. Text. Caption 2