Chequamegon National Forest Clover and Cabin Lake Sites – Site Investigation Update and Path Forward
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites2 Purpose of Meeting n Provide a summary of the 2006 and 2007 geophysical work and planned site investigation work for 2007 n Seek input and concurrence on next steps of investigation n Discuss schedule
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites3 Geophysical Findings n The extent of metallic debris has been effectively delineated for the purposes of planning site investigation activities at both the Cabin Lake and Clover sites
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites4 Cabin Lake Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites5 Cabin Lake Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites6 Clover Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites7 Clover Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites8 Clover Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites9 Clover Geophysical Findings
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites10 Proposed Site Investigation n General field sampling effort: – Phase I - Geophysical Survey (complete) – Phase II – Soil, Sediment, and Surface Water Sampling n Proposed sampling will be focused on collecting samples at biased locations, based on geophysical results, per Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent (ASAOC)
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites11 Proposed Sampling - Cabin Lake n Sample distribution: – Two soil borings to 20 feet below ground surface n Deep borings proposed in/near the current open area n Samples to be collected at 0-2, 2-4, 6-8, and feet below ground surface (bgs) and based on visual results, if necessary – Seven proposed borings to eight feet at positively biased locations n Borings distributed where elevated metallic debris identified n Samples proposed at 0-2, 2-4, and 6-8 feet bgs and based on visual results, if necessary – One proposed surface water sample from Cabin Lake – Two proposed sediment samples in the southern half of Cabin Lake – Two proposed trenches to six feet bgs at anomalous metallic detections north and east of clearing n Trenching proposed to identify nature of debris present n A single soil sample is proposed from a representative location beneath the excavated debris layer in each trench
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites12 Proposed Sampling – Cabin Lake
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites13 Proposed Sampling - Clover n Sample distribution: – Three soil borings to 20 feet below ground surface n Deep borings proposed in southern and northern blast pits n Samples proposed at 0-2, 2-4, 6-8, and feet bgs and based on visual results, if necessary – Eight soil borings to eight feet bgs at positively biased locations n All eight borings proposed in the north valley n Samples proposed at 0-2, 2-4, and 6-8 feet bgs and based on visual results, if necessary – Nine proposed surface soil samples (0–2 feet bgs) at positively biased locations n Two located in surface water infiltration locations n Three distributed in debris field north of former south blast pit n Three distributed on ridge south of former southern blast pit n One at truck parking area – Four proposed trenches to six feet. Two in southern blast pit and two at operators station n Trenching proposed to identify nature of debris present n A single soil sample is proposed from a representative location beneath the excavated debris layer in each trench
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites14 Proposed Sampling – Clover
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites15 Proposed Sampling – Clover
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites16 Proposed Laboratory Analyses n All samples collected at each site will be analyzed for Nitroaromatic and nitramine organic compounds and Appendix IX metals n Select samples at both sites will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and trace elements n One surface soil sample from each geographic area where elevated metallic concentrations identified by geophysical survey n All samples at operators station and truck parking area will be analyzed for VOCs and SVOCs
June 18, 2007Chequamegon National Forest - Cabin Lake and Clover Sites17 Proposed Schedule n Work Plan and associated documentation submitted by end of June n Field work will begin within 45 days of approval of work plan, waste management plan