CDOT WATER QUALITY PROGRAM CDOT WATER QUALITY BMP TRAINING FACILITY CONSTRUCTION PHASE and OVERVIEW 10/2009 ‘This project was undertaken in connection with the settlement of an enforcement action taken by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for violations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act.’”
CDOT WATER QUALITY BMP TRAINING FACILITY CONSTRUCTION PHASE and OVERVIEW Project completion Oct 2009 Supplemental Environmental Project: “ CDOT shall construct a BMP Field Training Facility (“BMP Facility”) on its property located at or near the corner of S. Colorado Boulevard and Louisiana Avenue in Denver and shall use the BMP Facility to train construction companies, contractors, consultants, municipalities, or other related organizations and individuals on the proper purpose, use, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control BMP’s…” Compliance Order on Consent 2009
CDOT Water Quality Program Objectives: Create a training venue for the construction industry to improve Stormwater Construction Permit compliance Hands on training Simulated real world applications Promoting Green Government and Sustainability Comply with Consent Order between CDOT and CDPHE Formal training to begin in Spring of 2010
CDOT Water Quality Program BMP Training Facility 4201 E Arkansas Ave, Denver, CO 80222
CDOT Water Quality Program Tire berm construction: Promoting sustainability by using recycled materials One ton compressed tire bales were used to create earth berm Constructed slopes with sprinkler discharge allow students to see slope erosion occurring
CDOT Water Quality Program Each compartment can be used for different erosion control application and simulated rainfall
CDOT Water Quality Program Slope construction and backfill
CDOT Water Quality Program Completed berm for slope stabilization best management practice’s
CDOT Water Quality Program Water Quality Ponds constructed to display various outlet control BMP’s, slope control and access options Ponds capture stormwater from rain events and water used during training.
CDOT Water Quality Program Outlet control wall construction
CDOT Water Quality Program Pond side slope stabilization using soil retention blankets
CDOT Water Quality Program Final pond configuration and completed outlet controls
CDOT Water Quality Program Roadway template with curb, gutter and curb inlets demonstrates the following: Pavement runoff and adjacent soil runoff onto template Type R drain and BMP’s Drainage to a Type C inlet
CDOT Water Quality Program Roadway template for curb and gutter, and shoulder bmp applications Concrete washout during construction and used in training
CDOT Water Quality Program Constructed roadway segment combined with curb and gutter and vegetated shoulder
CDOT Water Quality Program Students can witness good and bad BMP application and installation issues
CDOT Water Quality Program Facility will be used to demonstrate effectiveness of various stabilization BMP’s
CDOT Water Quality Program Constructed ditches (2 and 5% slopes) used to simulate erosion in ditches and bmp applications
CDOT Water Quality Program Temp stream crossing with a durable road surface mat
Site Applications and BMP’s Slope Ditch Temp xing Slope & ditch reveg WQ Pond Soil retention blanket Mulch
CDOT Water Quality Program Contact Rick Willard for scheduling and questions Phone: 303 757 9343 Email:
CDOT Water Quality Program From stormwater inspection and bmp installation training to new bmp application and demonstration, the lab will be a beneficial stormwater quality improvement tool and asset for Colorado.