Civil War in Iraq and Syria Aki Sakata 1201626 Rimsha Bahl 1535239
Contents Introduction Historical roots of ISIS Understanding the fundamentals of ISIS Shariah Law The role of the U.N and state actors Finding the way for conflict resolution Contents
Introduction In Iraq and Syria, civil wars are still going on…. Why?
Islamic State joined the civil war between It’s because... Islamic State joined the civil war between Assad’s government and Antigovernment (Free Syrian Army)(Isramic extremists)
to defeat Syria’s government!!! Hey! Let’s merge!! to defeat Syria’s government!!! Hummm... Bashar Hafez al-Assad (President of Syria) OK! Fight IS (Isramic State) Cooperation Cooperation ISIL (Isramic State in Iraq and the Levant) al-Nusra Front (Isramic exteremist) Free Syrian Army (Antigovernment Force)
..We can’t follow them anymore Yeah we are the same sunni muslim! Let’s defeat the Syria’s government!! We act right under the Shariah law. We don’t mind to create Muslim world even if we kill all enemies, people too. Before → After ..We can’t follow them anymore Bull shit Yes Yes ..No(we aren’t only sunnni though)
Known as Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Claim to have religious, political and military authority over all Muslims around the world Became notorious for its brutality, including mass killings, abductions and beheadings Attracted support elsewhere in the Muslim world - and a US-led coalition has vowed to destroy it Militant jihadist group made up of mostly Iraqi and Syrian Sunni Arabs What is ISIS
IS can trace its roots back to the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian initially formed in 1999 In 2003, US invaded Iraq. After the invasion, al-Zarqawi pledged allegiance to the al-Qaeda By 2009, US reported about ISI, as it was called in those years. It became highly significant with Iraqis joining the group in large numbers. From 2006-2013- ISIS established itself as its own Sunni caliphate By 2014, al-Qaeda had severed ties to the growing ISIS, which proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Historical roots
Prophecy is critical to ISIS, which accepts the word of the Prophet and the hadith According to those prophecies, the Islamic armies will ultimately conquer Jerusalem and Rome ISIS supporters point to the prophecy that declares: "There will come a time when three armies of Islam shall simultaneously rise, one in the Levant, one in Yemen and one in Iraq Want to implement the Shariah law A message to Muslims: The end of times is at hand, and if you want to be a true Muslim, on the right side of history, you had better join us Fundamentals of ISIS
The word Sharia means "the path," or "a road that leads one to water” It refers to a set of principles that govern the moral and religious lives of Muslims Sharia is based on Islam's holy book, the Quran, and the life of prophet Mohammed. Shariah is comprised of five main branches: adab (behavior, morals and manners), ibadah (ritual worship), i’tiqadat (beliefs), mu’amalat (transactions and contracts) and ‘uqubat (punishments) The majority of it concerns the faith of the individual and how to practice Islam, along with guidance on when to pray and how to fast during Ramadan Terror groups such as ISIS are trying to implement a brutal version of Sharia law, but millions of Muslims are guided by a much more moderate interpretation Shariah Law
Role of key countries involved The conflict in Syria has drawn in major global powers, supporting and opposing President Bashar al-Assad and the myriad rebel groups ranged against him Actors involved in the conflict are Assad, the rebels, ISIS, the Kurds, Hezbollah, The Free Syrian Army, Al-Qaeda’s affiliate - Jabhat-al-Nusra Different roles of participant countries- The U.S, Turkey, Russia,, Saudi Arabia and Iran With human rights violations at the heart of the Syrian crisis, the UN has called for an immediate end to violence; release of political prisoners; impartial investigations to end impunity, ensure accountability and bring perpetrators to justice; and reparations for the victims. Role of key countries involved
Conflict resolution The UNSC has to change the leadership The permanent member countries should only be allowed one veto Refugees to be given asylum as soon as possible Removal of military troops might help in paving a way for dialogue Conflict resolution
What are some of the humanitarian challenges that have arisen from the Syrian crisis? If ISIS forms a nation of its own, what could happen? Will military intervention solve the Syrian conflict? Why do you think ISIS is attracting many soldiers to join their cause? Discussion questions