Emergency Resiliency Fund (ERF) 2016 Call for Funding Emergency Resiliency Fund (ERF) The Emergency Resiliency Fund (ERF) is a one-time fund of $ 5million established to assist non-profit organizations experiencing excess demand as a result of the current economic downturn and global events.
Emergency Resiliency Fund One-time fund created by Calgary City Council in December 2015 Call for Funding Proposals Strategy Immediate support for programs and services that assist individuals and families. Based on increased or new demand for programs and services The emergency resiliency fund is comprised of four strategies, developed through consultation and research on best practices on how to effectively distribute funds to the non-profit community during an economic downturn. The strategy with the greatest percentage of the emergency resiliency funds is the 2016 call for funding proposals. The intention of this strategy - this call for funding proposals - is to provide immediate enhanced support for programs and services, based on increased or new demand. The other strategies are: Two targeted partnerships to address the impact of the economic downturn – The first is with UW of Calgary and area, as one of the most frequently expressed concerns during the consultations was basic needs. We are therefore capitalizing on the existing UW basic needs strategy and contributing one-time funding of $575k for dispersement. 2. We know the arts community has also been impacted by the economic downturn. We are utilizing an existing partnership with Calgary Arts Development Authority (CADA) to support their increased demand for grants for arts organizations in Calgary. They will be dispersing these funds to arts organizations, and further details on this process will be available through CADA. The fourth strategy is to support internal business units who have experienced increased demand in services as a result of the economic downturn or global events. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Emergency Resiliency Fund Total $5 million Amount available for Call for Funding Proposals ~$3 million Targeted partnerships and City business units ~$2 million The total amount of ERF funds are: Of that is the 2016 call for funding of ~$3 million, and $2 million for targeted partnerships and City business units. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Emergency Resiliency Fund An enabling fund . . . What impact has the downturn/global events had? How do you know? How will these funds enable you to provide an effective response? How will you measure and report on the impact of these additional one-time funds? In Jan – Feb, we met with over 20 organizations (funders, collaboratives, and a few agencies experiencing immediate increases in demand) to discuss the impact of the economic downturn on indiv, families, communities and the non-profit agencies that serve them – we have some ideas on the issues, and thus the targeted partnerships. We are all still learning about how people are being impacted by the downturn and developing strategies to best support them, with the recognition that some of those individuals have never had this experience before, and don’t know how to navigate the systems for financial and social support. ERF is an enabling fund and we intentionally did not develop outcome areas as we want to hear from the non-profit sector through the application process about what they are experiencing and how one-time funding can provide an important short-term infusion of funds. So in the application form we ask you to tell us: What impact has the current economic downturn and/or global events had on your program or services? How do you know? How will these one-time funding enable you to effectively respond? How will you measure and report on the impact of these additional one-time funds? 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Emergency Resiliency Fund Evaluation Criteria Demonstrates increased or new demand, or the need to facilitate increased access for service associated with the current economic downturn or global events and an inability to meet the demand with existing resources. Outlines how the proposed program or service will provide immediate support to individuals, families and communities in need. Shows how this one-time funding will have a measurable impact on individuals and families through clearly stated objectives and an evaluation plan. Readiness to act and implement service or program immediately once funding is provided. So how will we decide? We anticipate that we will receive more applications than we will have resources, so we have developed evaluation criteria, which you will find in the guidebook. We will evaluate the applications and look for how it: demonstrates an increase or new demand, or facilitates increased access, and an inability to meet this demand with current resources We will also look of the program or service provides immediate support to individuals, families, or communities in need, Shows how this one-time funding will have a measureable impact, and that the program is ready to go. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Emergency Resiliency Fund Funding Model Priority on programs and services One-time, with no possibility of extension Funds must be spent by March 31, 2017 The funding model is to provide immediate support , so our priority is to programs and services that require enhancement to meet increased demand, are ready to go, and provide immediate support to individuals or families impacted by the economic downturn (Therefore strategic plans, or plans to develop a program or new approach will not be considered). This is one-time funding, and the funds need to be spent and reported on by March 31, 2017. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Contractual Requirements Acknowledge the City as a source of funding Proof of status as a registered society or registered company Carry adequate liability insurance Notify us of changes to budget or program delivery Final Report (activities and results, template will be provided) Please refer to the 2016 Call for Funding Proposals Guidebook and Reference document for more detailed requirements. Please refer to the 2016 Call for Funding Proposals Guidebook and Reference document for more details. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Funding Recommendations and Decisions Applications will assessed by a review panel, comprised of staff from Calgary Neighbourhoods, community funding partners, and subject-matter experts. Applicants will be notified through email by end of June 2016. Will this be the only ERF call for funding proposals? So how will we make our funding recommendations and decisions? Applications will assessed by a review panel, comprised of staff from Calgary Neighbourhoods, community funding partners, and subject-matter experts. Will this be the only ERF call for funding proposals? We anticipate that all available funds will be allocated through this call for funding proposals. However, if there are funds remaining after the completion of the first call complete, new proposals will be accepted. These applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis, until all the funds are dispersed. Information on whether new applications will be accepted after this call for funding proposals is closed will be communicated on Calgary.ca/ERF on Monday, June 27, 2016. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund
Emergency Resiliency Fund Resources Visit: calgary.ca/fundingproposals Read: Guidebook & FAQs Complete: ERF application form Questions: Email: ERF@calgary.ca * Application deadline: May 5 at 4 p.m. Please utilize these resources for more information. Thank you. 11/04/2016 Emergency Resiliency Fund