Supporting IUH Team Member Engagement Survey Engagement Champions Supporting IUH Team Member Engagement Survey
Improving engagement will enable us to be an employer of choice What is Engagement? Engagement is the extent to which team members feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization and put discretionary effort into their work. What does engagement look like? Team members are creating and finding joy and meaning in their work Team members are living the IU Health Way by delivering on the Promise Team members are loyal, feel a sense of belonging and would recommend IU Health to their loved ones Leaders are instilling trust and leading with transparency Improving engagement will enable us to be an employer of choice
Did you know? Higher Workforce Engagement leads to… Better patient experience Improved productivity Increased cultural commitment Better quality and outcomes Stronger financial performance Positive image in the community
Your Voice Matters Engagement Champions are important to the success of the Team Member Engagement Survey and engagement as a whole at IU Health. Here is a story about the power of engaged champions.
2018 Engagement Survey Timeline
2018 Engagement Survey Theme: Your Voice Matters IU Health wants and needs your feedback so that we can continue to make changes that improve the work environment and enhance the patient experience. Some changes sparked by last year's survey feedback include: Design changes to the 2018 medical program that kept costs predictable and affordable An enhanced, system-wide tuition reimbursement program A more contemporary professional image policy that empowers team members to bring their whole selves to work Investments in diversity and inclusion, including a new system office for diversity and inclusion Redesign of the system new team member orientation and onboarding program More opportunities for leadership development and training
The Role of Engagement Champions
Reflect on your Experience What has been your engagement survey experience? Why did YOU take the survey? What – if any – were your barriers to taking the survey? How were they overcome? What benefits did you see as a result of taking the survey? In small groups if necessary. Your personal experience and being able to speak to that transparently and authentically is your biggest asset! How will this information help you be an effective Engagement Champion?
Your Role as an Engagement Champion Understand the 2018 Engagement Survey Timeline and Survey process Encourage team members to take the survey Answer questions about the survey and how the results are used to drive positive change Track and recognize survey participation Remind the team that the survey is the FIRST step in the cycle of activity – engagement occurs every day of the year
Before the Survey What were your results last year? What was done to improve? Use the Story Gathering Template Let your team know the survey is open on Sept 5, 2018 Let them know you are the Engagement Champion for the area. Distribute flyers Talk up the survey to ensure a high response rate and include: Importance of sharing your voice Survey confidentiality Incentives (optional) Understand the online survey process and be prepared to answer questions. Note: Team members starting after August 13, 2018 will not receive an invitation to take the Team Member Engagement Survey.
Your Voice Matters: Story Gathering Template
During the Survey Give continued encouragement to ensure a high response rate Track unit participation Distribute any participation incentives Distribute updates or new information about the survey and be prepared to answer questions Explain the survey’s importance and your role Reassure colleagues about survey confidentiality Assist colleagues with special needs like computer access Remind your colleagues that every voice is valuable and we want to hear from EVERYONE!! Once the survey opens – you have a similar role but the focus will shift from telling your department the survey is coming to encouraging the department to find time to take the survey. During these 2 weeks the Engagement Champion should be encouraging and promoting the survey throughout the day. Find creative ways to remind your department to stop and take the survey. What are some things your department did last year? You will be a key player on your department to answer questions that team members have while they are taking the survey or as they are trying to log on. You may want to recruit a couple other people that can help with questions in case you aren’t there or unavailable. Depending on your department, you may have some team members with special needs that need assistance. Engagement Champions & managers should work together to help these team members take the survey. We do not want any team member to feel like there is a barrier in their way of completing the survey. If needed, they can always come over to HR and we can assist. Whatever way they are most comfortable, we want to give them the opportunity to share their opinions. And lastly, continue to be the “survey champion” in your department. Lead by example and complete first thing. This will also give you the experience and help you answer questions. If team members see other team members excited about the opportunity to share their opinions that feeling will spread and they will get excited and start encouraging others.
After the Survey Celebrate!!! Celebrate strong or increased participation scores If your unit met the participation goal, acknowledge and recognize your unit according to your manager’s plans Remind Team about Next Steps Inform that results will be shared with leaders in mid-October, and collaborative action planning will follow
Survey Details
Survey Opens Sept 5 – 28th, 2018 Link is distributed by e-mail. Survey link works on any computer or mobile device with Internet access. Mobile-friendly. Average completion time is 15 minutes. When team member submits online survey, it goes directly to Press Ganey. Engagement Champions and leaders will have access to the site where Press Ganey tracks participation level by entity and unit.
Survey Design Elements Known Password IU Health email address and last 2 digits of birth year Providers will receive an email from Press Ganey at their IU Health email AND their IU School of Medicine email noting their IU Health email address should be used for their survey password. Demographics questions LGBTQ questions will be optional and listed along with the other demographic questions Why is IU Health asking if I identify as LGBTQ? IU Health is committed to diversity and inclusion and does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. In order to track the effectiveness of our recruiting efforts and ensure we continue to invest in the needs of all team members, please consider answering the following optional questions. What is an “ally?” An ally is a person who is not LGBTQ but shows support for LGBTQ people and promotes equality in a variety of ways.
Survey Key Terms Customer: Consider patients, families, visitors, physicians, vendors, residents, community, volunteers, and internal customers. Team members: Consider the people you directly work with on a daily basis. Organization: Consider the individual business unit you report up through. (Note: This may be different than the physical location of where you work. You may report up through System Services, but physically work at IU Health Methodist Hospital. In this example, please select System Services.). Senior leaders: Consider the president and vice presidents of the entity/business unit your department falls under (for example, if your department/cost center rolls under IU Health Arnett, you would answer the "Sr. Leader" questions about the executive or senior team of IU Health Arnett). The person I report to: Consider the leader you report to directly. Work Unit/Department: Consider the team members you work with on a regular basis, usually reporting up through the same leadership team. 17
Survey Confidentiality RULE OF THREE - No reports are produced for work units with fewer than three respondents. Results will instead populate with next reporting level up Online surveys collected on external Internet site and sent directly to Press Ganey. Demographic information, such as age and shift, is compiled and shared at the overall or facility level (not at the work unit level). If you feel uncomfortable, do not answer that particular demographic item. Tip: Be careful to not provide any identifiable information in the open-ended question.
Question Type: Multiple Choice For Illustration Purposes
Question Type: Open-Ended Our open-ended question is: “What is the most important improvement that could be made in the next year that would increase your commitment to this organization?” For Illustration Purposes
Review Prior to Completing For Illustration Purposes
Additional Resources Please visit the Engagement Survey Website regularly to access tools and resources to support your engagement champion efforts –
Survey FAQs
There is only one person in my “work area” and that’s me There is only one person in my “work area” and that’s me! How is this going to be kept confidential? Press Ganey posts results only when at least three team members within a work unit have responded. For fewer than three responses, results will populate with next reporting level up. Demographic information, is compiled and shared at the overall or facility level (not at the work unit level). If you still feel uncertain, simply choose not to answer that particular demographic item. When answering the open ended question, be strategic about the words you choose to ensure that you are not identified. Managers will be instructed to not try to guess who said what.
Why do I have to use a known password? The purpose for Press Ganey requesting a known password to be utilized is to ensure: Each participant can only complete one survey. Once a password is submitted, it becomes inactive. Each participant is coded correctly to the work unit they report to. Each participant is coded correctly to the demographics on the survey. Additionally, by using a password to capture your work unit and some pre-filled demographic information, it allows IU Health to ensure data is grouped in the proper categories for reporting measures. It also reduces the length of the survey because anything that we pre-fill behind the scenes does not appear on the survey, making the survey as condensed as possible to reduce survey fatigue.
When you say “Sr. Leader” who do you mean? “Sr. Leader” refers to the Executive Leadership team at your organization, so it depends on which organization you are in. For example: If your “organization” is System Services, your “Sr. Leaders” are the Executive Vice President (Ryan Kitchell EVP and Chief Admin Officer), and the Sr. VP of HR (Liz Dunlap). If your “organization” is an individual facility, your “Sr. Leaders” are the President, the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Nursing Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Medical Officer, the VP of HR, etc.
What happens to the survey results? Press Ganey will report the results by combining the responses of the entire organization and of each individual work unit. Once results are shared with managers, they will take action to address issues. Our leaders take your input seriously! They’ll share the results with you. They’ll work with you to define projects with the intention of making positive changes in your area.
Why should I believe the results? Press Ganey analyzes the surveys and creates the reports prior to giving anyone in the organization any information. No one from the organization EVER has the opportunity to add/delete/change the survey data. Press Ganey has a very robust healthcare database and will benchmark IUH results against our industry’s comparative data. Positive improvements have been implemented based on survey feedback.
Tracking Response Rates
Tracking Response Rates 1. Log on to Press Ganey - Team Member Response Rates Username- : Password: password Provider Response Rates Username-, 2. Click Response Rates Overall and Direct Hierarchy: The first column lists each report group as well as Overall, which includes all parties to whom the survey was sent. To view more specific report groups within a report group, click the triangle to expand that area.
Tracking Response Rates Invited and Respondents: These are the individuals to whom the survey was sent, and by whom a survey was completed.
Tracking Response Rates Response Rate: This is the percentage of employees who responded out of the total number who were invited.
In summary, prior to the survey... Spread awareness of the engagement survey - Start today! Survey opens September 5th and closes September 28th. Explain importance of gathering feedback through the survey Reassure team members of confidentiality and discuss use of passwords Share definition of key terms Encourage participation
Thank you As an Engagement Champion you are an example of engagement. Your enthusiasm and encouragement is greatly valued and does matter to the success of the IU Health Engagement Survey.
Help! Contact Sarah Moore Contact the IU Health Helpdesk. 317-962-2828 Be sure to include Engagement in the subject of your email