Where do you think the narrator is sitting? I can’t believe I have been sitting here among all these sick people for over an hour waiting for them to call my name. Why do they overschedule so many patients? I hope I am called next, for I don’t know how much longer I can tolerate this sore throat.
How did you know????
Please read this: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
What is it REALLY about? Humpty Dumpty is not REALLY about an egg. What do you think it’s about? Read it again.
Some theories The rhyme refers to King Richard III, who fell from his horse in the Battle of Bosworth Field. Richard was surrounded by enemy troops in the battle and butchered on the spot. The rhyme refers to Charles I of England, who was toppled by the Puritan majority in Parliament. The King’s army could not restore his power and he was subsequently executed. “Humpty Dumpty” was the name of a powerful cannon during the English Civil War. It was mounted on top of St. Mary’s at the Wall Church in Colchester in 1648. The church tower was hit by enemy fire and was knocked off, sending the cannon tumbling to the ground. It could not be repaired.
Everything is not as it seems... There are often multiple levels to a text, and it may take more than one reading to find them.
Yertle the Turtle
Who is it REALLY about? *Hint: the story was published in 1952
When making inferences, you need to ask, “What does it NOT say?” Take a look at the following...
What can we infer?
Try this - take a look at these statistics: Number of people executed for sorcery in Saudi Arabia since 2011 : 4 Age of an Afghan “war hero” assassinated by the Taliban earlier this year : 11 Number of refugee children who entered Europe in 2015 whose whereabouts are unknown : 10,000 Estimated percentage of applicants who will be selected for NASA’s 2017 astronaut class : 0.08 Date on which Oral Roberts University began requiring freshmen to wear Fitbit bracelets : 8/24/15 Number of elephants employed by Burma’s state-run logging company : 2,700 Average number of trophy animals imported to the United States each year : 126,000 Percentage by which U.S. spending on Mother’s Day gifts exceeds spending on Father’s Day gifts : 67
What it says (literal) What it means (inference)