1/22 Energy for water management and production Alternative water production José Luis Fernández Zayas 3 October 2008
6/22 Underwater stream electrical generators
7/22 Energy islands
10/22 Passive direct solar water desalination PV powered RO water desalination Water condensation from the air. Three alternative processes will be mentioned:
11/22 Passive direct solar water desalination
12/22 Passive solar water distillation may be a viable solution to combine with other small village requirements such as vegetable production.
13/22 Passive costs For a typical 5,000 liter (1,200 gal) per day production of pure water, some 1,000 m 2 of solar panels are needed Each m 2 costs from 40 to 80 US $ Including land preparation and piping, the whole lot would cost some US$ 91,000 In 10 years of operation, the cost of each cubic meter produced would be some 5 US$.
14/22 PV powered RO water desalination
15/22 PV systems (autonomous and grid connected)
16/22 A typical 12,000 gpd RO commercial system would cost some US$ 3,000 currentlyA typical 12,000 gpd RO commercial system would cost some US$ 3,000 currently The 1 KWp power requirement could be supplied by a commercial (100 m 2 ) PV panel that would cost, all peripherals included, some US$ 12,000The 1 KWp power requirement could be supplied by a commercial (100 m 2 ) PV panel that would cost, all peripherals included, some US$ 12,000 Assuming the same cost distribution used for the passive option, this one would produce water at less than one dollar per cubic meterAssuming the same cost distribution used for the passive option, this one would produce water at less than one dollar per cubic meter
17/22 Land requirements A comparable (12,000 gpd) RO system would require about 1 KWp total power If produced in a solar panel, it would require about 200 m 2 (1/10 previous).
18/22 Water condensed from the air
21/22 Condensed water costs Several manufacturers worldwide with very varying power requirements System really sensitive to atmospheric water content Scientific breakthrough recently announced In 12,000 gpd plants, probable costs would be between 1-5 US$/m 3.