Is Plagiarism Contagious? Karen Kaemmerling CCCOnline Social Science Associate Dean ELCC, 2012
Objectives What is it? How do students catch it? What are the symptoms? How do we Prevent? Syllabus Rubrics Authentic Assignments Resources Plagiarism Prevention Tools
Before we can diagnose it, what is it? Open up a discussion on what is plagiarism and what we are really talking about in this presentation.
How do they catch it?
Preventing Plagiarism An Apple a Day Openly discuss with students Review policies and consequences Establish expectations for different assignment types Provide examples of expectations Provide opportunities to practiceProvide Resources Institutional resources Writing labs Tutoring services Easy access to policy
Read the Label Academic Integrity Tutorial Syllabus and Assignment References Incorporate resources and consequences in directions and rubrics Develop and utilize tutorials
Prevention with Authentic Assignments Scaffold Student generated Scenario or problem based “real life” situations Current and relevant Team opportunity Interdisciplinary Incorporate technology Brainstorm some examples from your classes Resource for more:
Diagnosing Plagiarism Plagiarism Detection Tools Teaching aide Self-evaluation for students Provide student resources about tool In my courses: Students may submit assignment as many times as they like before due date and view the matching report Instructor must view report carefully Quotes Bibliographic info Shared “unbiased” report can be used as a starting point for documentation, conversation, and “teaching moment”
Treatment Consequences
Long Term Prognosis
Contact Karen Kaemmerling Associate Dean of Social Sciences at CCCOnline Images from Power Point Clip Art or