September 4, 2015 *In your bellringer section of your spiral NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. September 4, 2015 *In your bellringer section of your spiral *Write today’s date *Look at the picture *Choose a point of view *Your purpose is to describe what is happening in the picture using your five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, & smell) *Make it as interesting as you can *Be creative! *You have 7 Minutes!
September 7, 2015 *Glue the selection and revising questions in your Bellringer section (first section) *Answer the questions *You have 5 minutes after class begins to complete this assignment *Please make sure your homework has your name on it and place it in the Turn In box
Today’s Objectives You will review four of your selection vocabulary words by taking notes on definition, synonym, sentence, and by drawing a picture. You will show mastery by creating your own sentences using three of these words You will produce a poem using carefully chosen literary elements such as diction, tone, and anaphora by imitating a selection from the novel Night which you will then share with your group
Turn to the vocabulary section of your notebook Fold your paper into five sections: Word Definition Synonym Picture Sentence from selection
Anguish (n): extreme suffering, grief, or pain Sentence: Anguish. German soldiers—with their steel helmets and their death’s-head emblem (pg. 9). Synonyms: hurt, pain, agony, distress
Annihilate (v.): to destroy (something or someone) completely Sentence: Annihilate an entire people? Wipe out a population dispersed throughout so many nations (pg. 8)? Synonyms: Abolish, exterminate
Apathy (n.): 1. lack of feeling or emotion 2. lack of interest or concern Sentence: I woke from my apathy only when two men approached my father (pg. 99). Synonyms: impassivity; numbness
Condemned (adj.): Definition: to say in a strong and definite way that someone or something is bad or wrong Synonyms: decry, damn Sentence: They came back, the condemned man between them. He was a young boy from Warsaw (pg. 61).
Vocabulary Sentences Take 5 minutes to write at least one of your vocabulary sentences You may write one sentence for each word or use three words in one sentence or two words in one As long as you use three of the words, you will get all the credit TRY TO USE THEM CORRECTLY PLEASE Check your grammar and spelling—if it is not up to par, your sentences will not be good enough for the wall!
Diction Analysis Think about why Wiesel chose the words you circled/highlighted Consider the effect of that diction Remember that word choice a writer makes determines the reader’s reaction to the content and contributes to the author’s style and tone Now summarize your thought on the effect of the words Wiesel chose in Night and the effect anaphora has on the reader Write your group’s answer on the chart paper
Anaphora Poem Now, you will practice using the rhetorical strategy of anaphora by writing your own “Never Shall I Forget” poem Think of a significant moment in your life that you have not forgotten, and you believe will be engraved in your mind forever Recall a good or bad experience (either will work) Begin each line with “Never shall I forget… Be specific and choose your diction wisely to convey your feelings Do not be afraid to let your reader feel your emotion Check the rubric to ensure you get a good grade!
Never Shall I Forget… Never shall I forget the first time I saw your tiny little fingers Never shall I forget the first time I heard you cry and my heart skipped ten beats because I hate to hear you in pain Never shall I forget when you began calling me “mama” Never shall I forget when hit your first triple, scored your first goal, and put up your first three-pointer Never shall I forget how my eyes filled with tears when I saw you in your first tuxedo Never shall I forget how proud I was when you earned valedictorian of your eighth grade class Never shall I forget what an extraordinary son was born on September 2nd, 1999.
Class Quilt Everyone stand up and stand by a wall Choose where you want to attach your piece to the quilt RESPECT is a must No teasing Only positive comments (I like how you… This is a really cool…) Spend 7 minutes looking at everyone’s quilt pieces Walk around the quilt so you can get to know all your classmates
Assessment Folder Expository Essay: *Please place this essay into the brads and write it on the table of contents page *If you were not at SW last year, I don’t have your writing image—don’t worry about it! Pre-Assessment Essay: *Review the comments I made and place it after your expository essay *Add it to the table of contents (the score will remain blank-it was not scored in this manner)
Pre-Assessment Short Answer Review any comments I made on your short answer sheet Place it in the short answer part of your folder Multiple Choice Look through your answers—How many did you miss? Place your pre-assessment in the assessment part of the folder
Review your scores from last year Overall passing score was a 3750; Advanced was a 4691 This year the passing standard will go up to a 3825; Advanced to a 4831 Growth Plan Color in the number you have correct (I wrote it on the top of the column) Passing for revising, editing, informational and literary texts is 8 correct Passing for the paired multiple choice is 5 Passing for short answer is a score 2 Passing for the composition is a score 3 (6)