BMR = Basic metabolic rate Rate at which you metabolize DIETING BMR = Basic metabolic rate Rate at which you metabolize
DIETING Minimum energy you use to stay alive. Changes with age, size, genetics, gender.
How in the world do I lose weight? Only 2 steps. DIETING How in the world do I lose weight? Only 2 steps.
DIETING 1. Reduce Kcal intake. 2. Increase Kcal output (exercise)
DIETING 1 lb of fat = 3500 Kcals
DIETING BMI = basic metabolic index This is the current test to see if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.
--------------------- Height (in) ^2 DIETING BMI weight(lbs) x 703 --------------------- Height (in) ^2
DIETING BMI If you are 25 or more you have excess weight. If you are 30 or more you have serious obesity.
55% of Americans are Obese!!! DIETING 55% of Americans are Obese!!!
Obesity: excess body weight (BMI) Disorders Obesity: excess body weight (BMI)
DISORDERS Bulimia: Eating disorder where one usually binges and then vomits repeatedly.
Disorders Anorexia Nervosa: eating disorder when the subject doesn’t eat. Never feels thin enough.
Anorexia Nervosa
Please take care of yourselves!