Career & Technology Applications Blogs Career & Technology Applications
What have you heard about …. What are they used for ? Who creates blogs ? How can blogs be used to communicate to people? Who can view Blogs? Think, Pair, Share: Take 1 min. to Silently write down what you think a Blog is,. Then turn to your neighbor, and quietly discuss what you think a Blog is, and what it is used for.
Definitions A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser. so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links. a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries ("posts").,
Blogger Roles Journalists (reporters) Columnist Blogger Editor Copy editor Meteorologist Presenter (news) Photographer Pundit / commentator
Blogosphere made up of all blogs and their interconnections. The term implies that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social networking service in which everyday authors can publish their opinions.
Examples Twitter Tumblr Pinterest Facebook ( depending on the content of the Page) Myspace ( depending on the content of the Page)
Weblog vs. Website To summarize, blog is a type of a website (Web log= Blog). Website is a general term. (site on web=website). You might have heard about those static sites and dynamic sites. Blogs are informally presented to the visitors (generally). The language used is often much simpler than on websites. In blogs, there is a thing called posts,. Every post have its own static page (as the url suggests), but the main page of the blog is dedicated to the series of latest posts in reverse-chronological (latest to oldest) order.
Weblog vs. website ( cont.) Bloggers often prefer to show around 8-12 recent posts on their blogs main (home) page. Where as there is nothing such in a static website. The major difference between the two types, blog and a static website is about the content refreshment. The major content of website remains the same.
Practice You will compare two different websites ‘ 1st: www. ( you do not need to log in) 2Nd: WWW. Use the Comparison Chart to list 10 similarities & 10 differences you notice between the blog (twitter) and the website ( st. Anthony School) You may collaborate with the classmate to your left or right, use your inside voice or tthis will turn into silent independent work!
Exit Ticket 1. What is a blog? 2. How is it different than a website? (HINT: there are several differences, so find more than one please!) 3. What is a blogger? What is blogging? What is the blogosphere? 4. What are the major components of a blog? How do these components help to organize the blog and inspire reader participation? 5. Why are blogs revolutionizing the way we access news/information?