New Mexico Environment Department Loan and Grants Tracking System (LGTS) – Web – Closeout Presented to the NM DoIT Project Certification Committee November 13, 2018
Project Governance Lead Agency –New Mexico Environment Department Agency Head – Butch Tongate, Cabinet Secretary Executive Sponsor – Bruce Yurdin, NMED Water Protection Division Director Executive Steering Committee Judi Kahl, Bureau Project Lead Linda Smyth, PMP, IT Project Manager Alysia Leavitt, NMED Finance Manager Steven Pappa, Office of Information Technology (OIT) representative Rhonda Holderman, CPB Financial Manager NMED Project Team: Heather Wade, Application Administrator David Bishop, CPB Technical Supervisor Eric Herrera, IT Server Engineer John Crain, DBA Supervisor Bryan Henderson, DBA Kami Gupta, PMP, OIT Project Oversight and DoIT PCC point of contact Vendor Project Team- Northbridge Environmental Deems Buell, Project Manager Rao Mulpuri, Lead Developer IV&V Project Team- RESPEC Joel Matek, IV & V Oversight Denise Brickley, IV & V Oversight
Project Abstract The Construction Programs Bureau (CPB) Loan and Grant program administers millions of dollars in infrastructure projects. In State Fiscal Year 2017, CPB disbursed over $108 million for 320 projects. The Loan and Grants Tracking System (LGTS) is a legacy system designed to track loans and grants administered by the Construction Projects Bureau (CPB). LGTS has been in use with CPB since 2009. The purpose of the project is to port the existing client server (LGTS) Access application and the associated data and documents to a new web-based n-tiered application and associated relational database.
Project Milestones Date Completed Milestone/Accomplishment 11/2017 PCC Certification obtained for Initiation/Planning/Implementation 11/30/2017 Request and provision DoIT servers 12/2017 Primary Vendor and IV & V contract executed Project Team and standing meetings established Project Kick-off and Requirements Confirmation 5/2018 Configure, Customize and Unit Test 6/2018 Data and Documents Conversion End User Training and User Acceptance Testing Promote to Production; Transition to Operations 7/2018 IT Training 8/2018 Lessons Learned Session 9/30/2018 Warranty Period Complete 11/2018 PCC Certification for Project Close-out
Scope Verification Scope Verification Yes No Explanation/Notes Requirements Review Yes No Explanation/Notes Were the project objectives (expected outcomes) accomplished? X Were all Deliverables submitted and accepted? Did the IV&V vendor verify that all deliverables met the requirements? Have all contracts been closed? Northbridge Environmental professional services contract still active due to maintenance and support hourly work included in the contract. Have all final payments been made (i.e., invoices paid)? Yes, for project deliverables only. Have all project documents/records been appropriately stored for future reference? Has adequate knowledge transfer been completed?
Schedule and Budget Planned Actual Start 12/01/17 End 12/30/18 PCC Budget $240,768 Start 10/17/2017 End 11/13/2018 Actual Cost $240,000.13
Independent Verification & Validation Initial report delivered Interim project reports delivered Final close-out report submitted October 12, 2018 The final report summary stated “The Project Management Plan (PMP), Project Charter, and related documents remained in compliance throughout the project with NM DoIT requirements and were consistent with “best practices” with respect to project management and PMI standards. Regular DoIT project reports were submitted throughout the project.“
Transition to Operations Yes No Explanation/Notes Are there recurring maintenance/operational costs for the product/service? X DoIT server hosting fees: FY19: $ 8,048.96 ($1006.12 per month) Northbridge Consulting Services: FY19 $30,000 FY20 and beyond: $100,000/year Summary of agency plan to support project solution in production. On-going support and maintenance will be provided by the vendor. All support calls will be handled through NMED Help Desk with third level support for LGTS application issues provided by the vendor. The vendor will perform routine application maintenance as needed to maintain functionality and maintain proper security controls. All servers and data are backed up per the DoIT virtual system backup capabilities. All users are managed through the Department’s Single Sign on system. User roles are managed through the LGTS Web application by an application administrator. Summary of agency plans to fund the maintenance and operations of this project. Agency will fund the maintenance of the system with special revenue funds. The source of the special revenue funds has adequate balances to fund the ongoing costs for the foreseeable future.
Lessons Learned PM Process Issue Impact Recommendation/Lesson Learned (-) Procurement Management Contract reviews and approval process took more time than anticipated Schedule Delay Streamline contract review processes Deliverables include maintenance and support in the project contract Created confusion with project budget vs. ongoing maintenance and support costs Develop separate contracts for project deliverables and ongoing maintenance and support. Contract written so enhancements can’t start before the end of the warranty period. This has created a delay in implementation of enhancements to follow the project implementation. Will not be an issue if maintenance and support deliverables are separate contracts outside of project deliverables. (+) Vendor Management Northbridge Environmental staff are responsive to bureau requests Expeditious resolution of questions and/or issues. Strong vendor relationship emphasizing frequent communication is valuable to project success. IV & V oversight assists in improved compliance. (+) Schedule Management Decision to focus project scope on web replacement only – no enhancements. Schedule Maintained – no scope creep Focus efforts on project, rather than trying to multi-task on web port as well as future enhancements. (+) Communication Additional meeting frequency needed to keep project on track Schedule Maintained – swift resolution of issues during UAT, pre- and post Production rollout. Add calls as needed to facilitate cross project communication. (+) User Acceptance Organization of CPB testing and documentation of issues during UAT thorough and very detailed. Very engaged application administrator and bureau users Swift resolution of issues during the UAT, pre and post Production rollout. Detailed test cases, tracking of completion and issues facilitates schedule and quality. Assignment of a UAT coordinator from the bureau is helpful.
Project Outcomes Project delivered within certified scope, budget and schedule Reduced latency for users accessing LGTS data at all office locations on the NMED statewide network. Simplified deployment of LGTS application updates. Vendor supports the web based version of the application. LGTS Web is hosted at DoIT and maintained by Northbridge Environmental. Active Directory authentication simplifies application login for users and account maintenance by the application administrator Users are using a greater percentage of the product functionality in the new version.
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