MYDev Life Skills Roll Out Modality (100 hours) 2 3 4 5 6 Skills Training Sessions or ALS Sessions 7 8 9 Business Plan Community Service Project Leadership Personal Development Interpersonal Communication Work Habits and Conduct Safety and Health at Work Rights and responsibilities of Workers and Employees Financial Fitness Exploring Entrepreneurship Civic Engagement Opening Activity Closing Activity VALUES (Area-based) 2 hour 5 hrs 30 mins 7 hrs 7 hrs 10 mins 4 hrs 50 mins 7 hours, 20 mins 5 hours 10 mins 9 hours, 55 mins 8 hours, 30 mins 18 hours 35 mins 20 hour 1 hour Outputs 3 hours 39 hours 61 hours WRN Credential Test (2hrs)