Juvenile Justice
Early History Early in U.S. history, children who broke the law were treated the same as adult criminals. The first juvenile court in this country was established in Cook County, Illinois, in 1899. Juvenile courts flourished for the first half of the 20th century. Why do you think juvenile courts were established?
Procedures and Process The focus on offenders and not offenses, on rehabilitation and not punishment, had substantial procedural impact. As public confidence in the treatment model waned, due process protections were introduced. some stress punishment, but most seek a balanced approach. Do you feel like our criminal system as a whole is set up for punishment or rehabilitation? Why?
The Pendulum Swings… In the 1980s, the pendulum began to swing toward law and order. The 1990s were a time of unprecedented change as State legislatures began to crack down on juvenile crime. What are some instances in which a juvenile should be tried as an adult? ----- Meeting Notes (8/19/15 09:41) ----- Why was there such a shift? -What role does $ play in the shift? -What is the cost of rehabilitation programs?
State statutes define who is under the jurisdiction of juvenile court. In mississippi most juveniles will be tried as an adult at age 17. There is a case where a 10 year old was tried as an adult in mississippi. What age do you feel is an appropriate age to try a juvenile as an adult?
The juvenile justice system differs from the criminal justice system, but there is common ground.
All States allow juveniles to be tried as adults in criminal court under certain circumstances. ----- Meeting Notes (8/19/15 09:41) ----- Under what circumstances?
New laws have had a dramatic impact on sentencing for serious or violent juvenile offenders.