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Let’s Search for Mythbusters
If I want to embed it into a PowerPoint… Right Click and go to “Save Target As ” and save it to a designated folder
Make sure that where you save it is the same location as where you will be playing the PowerPoint!!
State the Problem...
Now you try it…
How to Stream a Video
Click and Play (this doesn’t eat up any of your hard drive space…
Now you try it…
Save clip as you did in embedding into a PowerPoint (save target as)… Creating Hyperlink Save clip as you did in embedding into a PowerPoint (save target as)…
In PowerPoint Scientific Method Highlight word you want to hyperlink clip to and right click: Scientific Method
In PowerPoint Scientific Method Highlight word you want to hyperlink clip to and right click: Scientific Method
To see the control in Windows Media or Quick Time Player Why Hyperlink??? To see the control in Windows Media or Quick Time Player
Now you try it…