Staunzi pelton, Bryan holt, and jaidyn Walters WA hydro-x-power Staunzi pelton, Bryan holt, and jaidyn Walters
How does Hydropower work? Hydropower is generated by hydro-electric dams. Essentially, there are 5 parts to creating this plant here in duvall.
5 Steps: 1. We will build the dam where the yellow arrow is on the map of Duvall., and the water will run through the dam 2. The water will travel through the powerhouse 3. Then The water will transfer into the dam's generator 4. The water will then go into the dam's transformer, making electricity 5. Finally the electricity will travel into the powerlines of the thousands of citizens of Duvall
Why hydropower is a better alternative Hydropower is the best choice of an energy alternative for our state. It will make a significant change to the energy crisis in Washington. Hydropower will work better here than any other state. Due to the rain, there is constantly a significantly high-water level. With this, There will be more flowing water, which in turn will simply generate more electricity. Hydropower is better than fossil fuels because fossil fuels produce pollution in the air by adding to the CO2 number percentage, and hydropower is fueled only by water Hydropower is better than nuclear power because nuclear power can produce radiation, which is extremely harmful to the human body. Although building a hydropower plant may take several months, the ending result will be remarkable and long lasting many years into the future for the local environment.
Pros and cons of hydropower Hydropower is mostly ecofriendly because it doesn’t pollute or put bad gases into the air. Hydropower in duvall will be reliable because there is so much rain and water in this area. Compared to other fossil fuels and nuclear energy, hydropower is much safer. If you're making a dam, that may destroy the homes of animals. A drought could potenially affect the electricity and profit that is being made. The expense to build a hydropower plant is millions of dollars.
Why should you turn towards us? Our company has the finest line of hydro power with the finest dams. There is no better method of electricity generation than Hydropower in Washington. We will save you a lot of money and time compared to your other alternatives. Let us end with a question. Do you as a citizen want a better future for your community with Hydropower?