presenter (affiliation) Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Report from < RCC/NMHS > The Space-based Weather and Climate Extreme Events Monitoring (SWCEM) Demonstration Project (SEMDP) Workshop Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017 presenter (affiliation) SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Background - The SEMDP is planned to develop an operational technique to utilize satellite derived products with CLIMAT and/or SYNOP data for the enhanced monitoring of extreme events; persistent heavy/little rainfall, and drought. - Through the case study in SEMDP, satellite derived products will be reviewed and validated with CLIMAT and/or SYNOP data. - It is a goal to do the enhanced monitoring of persistent heavy/little rainfall, and drought over relatively short periods from pentad (5-day), a week, up to a month using satellite data. SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! General Question: Current Status 0.1. What are the major weather and climate extremes your RCC pay the most attention to (e.g. persistent heavy/little rainfall; drought; strong wind; heat wave; …..) ? 0.2. What are the climate phenomena caused these extremes (e.g. typhoons; front systems; MJO; ENSO; …..) ? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 1: How do you define those extremes “Criteria” of Extreme Events for identifying the extreme events from CLIMAT and/or SYSNOP data (What degree an ongoing climate event is an extreme?) 1.1. What’s the criteria for identifying Persistent Heavy Rainfall (e.g. 90/95/99 percentiles, or setting other statistical threshold value)? How much is the detection accuracy?? 1.2. What’s the criteria for identifying Persistent Little Rainfall (e.g. 10/5/1 percentiles, or setting other statistical threshold value)? How much is the detection accuracy?? 1.3. What’s the criteria for identifying Drought? How much is the detection accuracy?? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 2: Monitoring Technique 2.1. What data in use for monitoring those extremes in 1.1-1.3 (e.g. numerical model simulation; conventional observations (CLIMAT/SYNOP); satellite data; .....)? 2.2. What target “duration” of those extremes in 1.1-1.3 (e.g. 5-day; weekly; monthly; …..)? 2.3. What target “latency” of diagnostics of those extremes in 1.1-1.3 (e.g. within one day after the last week; within three days after the last month; ….. )? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 3: Usage of the Climate Extremes Information 3.1. How do you use the results of “climate extreme diagnostics” within RCC? 3.2. How do you publish the results to users? (e.g. website; broadcasting (TV, Radio); paper media …..) If you have climate extremes website, please provide. https://....... 3.3. Which area of people are mainly using the results? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 4: Utilization of Satellite Products to facilitate/enhance the extreme events monitoring If you are already using satellite data for quantitative analysis of rainfall….. 4.1.1. From where do you get those data (e.g. NASA server, NOAA server, JAXA server, …..)? 4.1.2. In what format (e.g. Binary; NetCDF; GeoTIFF; …..)? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 4 (conti.): If you are already using satellite data for quantitative analysis of drought ….. 4.2.1. What geophysical variables derived from satellites do you use for monitoring drought (e.g. rainfall; soil moisture; wind speed; SST; land surface temp.; vegetation index; duration of sunshine; total amount of solar irradiance …..)? 4.2.2. From where do you get these data (e.g. NASA server, NOAA server, JAXA server, …..)? 4.2.3. In what format (e.g. Binary; NetCDF; GeoTIFF; …..)? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 4 (conti.): If you are NOT using satellite data for quantitative analysis of extreme events ….. 4.3. What are the major obstacles in limiting your current use of satellite data (e.g. no “climate normal” available; computer resources limitation; Internet resource limitations; lack of information on the products; knowledge/skills to use such data; …..)? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017 Question 5: Monitoring Tool 5.1. What IT platform do you perform monitoring Extremes in operations? (e.g. Excel Sheet; GIS Application; …..) 5.2. If you are using GIS applications, could you provide the detailed usage?(e.g. overlaying map; other related information; …..) SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
The following questions are “optional” to be discussed in the workshop Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! The following questions are “optional” to be discussed in the workshop SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 6: Future requirements 6.1. In addition to what you are already included extreme events of 1.1-1.3 in your operations, what other climate extremes your RCC/NMHS plan to monitor in near future? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! 6.2. Blending satellite and conventional observation data 6.2.1. Does your RCC already use such blended products? 6.2.2. If yes, could you provide examples of “combined products”? 6.2.3. If not, do you think such products are feasible and useful to improve the monitoring in your region? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! 6.3. Connecting the monitoring with the prediction/forecasts 6.3.1. How does your RCC/NMHS connect the monitoring and prediction for the weather/climate extremes? - quantitative consistency - temporal gaps 6.3.2. Any requirements /wishes for upcoming satellite products on this aspect? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Question 7: Specification of satellite products 7.1. What are your requirements for satellite and other observation-based data sets to expand the scope of and improve the performance of climate extremes monitoring? 7.1.1. Data sets for what geophysical variables? 7.1.2. Spatial coverage? 7.1.3. Historical extension? 7.1.4. Time/space resolution ? 7.1.5. Production latency ? 7.1.6. Quantitative accuracy, especially fidelity in representing extremes ? 7.1.7. Which one of the above is the most important and urgent issue satellite products developers need to address? SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017
Cool Logo for SEMDP Here !! Thank you very much !! SEMDP Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 March 2017